Pregnant women “have to wait until childbirth” for vaccination in the UK
Pregnant women must wait until childbirth before being vaccinated COVIDAccording to the guidance issued by the UK Public Health Services.
of a body Provisional guidance Healthcare professionals announced Friday prior to first regulatory approval Coronavirus vaccine..Make sure you have detailed it earlier Priority If there is a shortage of vaccines, it will be deployed immediately to the elderly and clinically vulnerable patients.
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Guidance is also about vaccines Widely available For the general public, some groups may not be available immediately.
These include pregnant women. Pregnant women are told to wait until they are vaccinated after giving birth.
Pregnant women have to wait
The guidance states that “there are no known risks” associated with pregnancy, but “as with most medicines, no specific clinical trials of the Covid-19 vaccine in pregnant women have been conducted.” ..
He added: “Although the available data do not indicate safety concerns or harm to pregnancy, there is insufficient evidence to recommend the daily use of the Covid-19 vaccine during pregnancy.
“Vaccination should be postponed until pregnancy is complete. After starting vaccination, if a woman notices that she is pregnant, she must complete her pregnancy before completing the recommended schedule. There is. “
However, new mothers who are breastfeeding can be vaccinated, but the guidance states that pregnant women who are considered at high risk due to other health factors should be vaccinated as soon as possible after the end of pregnancy. There is. “
Attention to those under the age of 18
Vaccines under the age of 18 “regularly” until further research is conducted, except for those who are clinically vulnerable or who are “employed, researched, or trained” in the role of health and social care. Will not be provided.
The guidance states: “The SARS-CoV-2 vaccine trial has only just begun in children, so data on the safety and immunogenicity of this group are very limited.
“Children and adolescents have a much lower risk of COVID-19 from SARS-CoV-2 and serious illness and death than adults, so COVID-19 vaccine is routine for children and adolescents under the age of 18. Not recommended. “
However, people living with HIV are vaccinated even if their immunity is weakened. The guidance says: “People with immunosuppression and HIV infection (regardless of CD4 count) should be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine according to the recommendations and contraindications above.
“These individuals may not show a complete antibody response, so unless advised by a doctor, you should continue to follow the advice to avoid exposure.
“Vaccination of immunocompromised adult adult domestic contacts, that is, individuals who share a home or who provide care in which close contact is inevitable, should also be considered.”
Vaccine mix protocol
With modern, Pfizer And AstraZeneca All vaccines consist of two doses intended to be given at 28-day intervals, and the guidance states which vaccine was given if the second dose was missed or if multiple doses were given. It also outlines what happens if you don’t know.
The guidance says: “If the course is interrupted or delayed, it should be resumed with the same vaccine, but the first dose should not be repeated.
“We need to determine which vaccine an individual has received and make every effort to complete it with the same vaccine.
“If you start a schedule and are uncertain about the individual who will be vaccinated where the same vaccine is not available, or the product you first received, it makes sense to offer a single dose of locally available product. . “
Dr. Mary Ramsey, Head of Vaccination for PHE, said: “Healthcare and social workers have the skills to vaccinate millions of vaccines each year, from influenza to the MMR.
“They will be at the forefront of this exciting next step in helping to tackle the pandemic. Our new guidance will help deliver the approved COVID-19 vaccine safely and at a pace. I will. “
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