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Traumatic brain injury may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Traumatic brain injury may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease


Roundup is a herbicide used on farms across the United States. However, research has shown that this is a dangerous product with many side effects. One of those side effects is cancer, which can be fatal. In fact, numerous proceedings have been filed against Roundup maker Monsanto.

Types of cancer caused by summarization

Much research has been done to relate Roundup to a particular type of cancer. The most well-known is non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. However, it is also associated with some other things, such as:

  • Renal cell carcinoma
  • Skin tumor
  • Hairy cell leukemia
  • Different types of lymphoma
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  • Pancreatic islet cell tumor

There is also some support that Roundup can damage DNA and chromosomes. Others believe that the risk of Parkinson’s disease may be increased.

What is Roundup?

Roundup is a herbicide manufactured since the 1970s when Monsanto was first introduced. It has become the most widely used weed control product in the world because it has been so successful in killing weeds without harming crops.

Monsanto is also one of the seed engineers and has developed crops that are resistant to the active ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate. Farmers can spray the fields in roundup without damaging the crop while removing weeds.

Weeds have developed resistance to glyphosate. That is, the product needs to be sprayed more strongly. This caused higher exposure to products for farmers.

Numerous studies have been published on the risks associated with Roundup and other herbicides. One such study, conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), examined five different pesticides to determine if they could cause cancer. From the studies conducted, glyphosate was probably labeled as carcinogenic to people.

The study came from agricultural exposure of people in Canada and Sweden, as well as in the United States. There was also evidence that Roundup ingredients could cause cancer in laboratory animals.

More research is being done to determine what levels of exposure may increase the risk of developing these types of cancer. The US Environmental Protection Agency conducted its own research in 1995 and was labeled as probably carcinogenic to humans. Authorities have changed their position, stating that they are no longer carcinogens. In fact, Roundup is said to be less toxic when used as directed.

The EPA drafted another assessment in December 2017, further stating that it is not toxic to animals and even birds in the normal environment.

Proceedings filed

More than 800 proceedings have been filed against Monsanto since the publication of the IARC report. They argue that manufacturers should have warned users about the risks of using the product, rather than advertising the product as safe.

According to many of the complainants, they were not wearing protective clothing and gear when spraying Roundup. In fact, some were exposed directly when the spray accidentally adhered to the skin. People across the country are exposed on large farms and small backyards.

Monsanto is the producer of Roundup, the most used pesticide in the world, but Monsanto is not the only producer of herbicides with the same active ingredients. However, the proceedings argue that glyphosate is not the only cause of cancer. It is a mixture of other ingredients, such as animal fats, that enhances the carcinogenicity of chemicals.

The situation is not simple, as many other reports have different views. In fact, according to Monsanto, more than 800 studies have been conducted to show the safety of glyphosate. The European Chemicals Agency, one such institution, said the ingredient was not classified as carcinogenic. Other reports from Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe and even the United States support the claim.

The first trial against Monsanto took place in California and was verdicted in August 2018. The verdict was $ 289 million, but has been reduced to $ 78 million. It held the manufacturer responsible for the plaintiffs for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Punitive damages were also granted.

The second trial, which was also the first federal trial, also won the plaintiffs, ordered to pay $ 80 million. Considering that it has already been sentenced, more proceedings may occur.

Monsanto claims that pesticides can be safely used on weeds, even if the label instructions are followed.

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