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UK piloting blood tests that may detect 50 types of cancer

UK piloting blood tests that may detect 50 types of cancer


He added that more than 1,000 new cancers are diagnosed daily in the UK.

The pilot program is scheduled to begin in mid-2021 and will involve 165,000 people, including 140,000 people between the ages of 50 and 79 who are asymptomatic but undergo annual blood tests for three years.

According to a news release, the remaining 25,000 participants are people with cancer symptoms who may be offered blood tests to speed up their diagnosis after being referred to the hospital in the usual way.

Results are expected by 2023, after which one million people will be tested by 2025, and it is expected that this will be extended to more people thereafter, NHS England said.

In the UK, about half of cancers are currently diagnosed in stage 1 or 2, but NHS aims to increase it to three-quarters by 2028.

“Adding Galeri to existing standard treatments could cut the number of cancers diagnosed in the late stages by almost half, and cancer deaths in the UK,” Grail said in a press release, according to modeling data. About one-fifth of the total number “

According to the charity Cancer Research UK, the 5-year relative survival rate for cancer in the UK is below the European average.

Lawrence Young, a professor of molecular oncology at the University of Warwick, said the Galleria test is one of many new blood tests developed to detect cancer at a very early stage when it is easier to treat. Said there is.

“There are many trials evaluating this approach, and publications from the Circulating Cell-free Genome Atlas (CCGA) Consortium, which examines the Galleria test of 6,689 participants, differ by more than 50 at different stages of development. It has produced very promising results with cancer, “he told the Science Media Center.

However, not all cancer professionals agree that the NHS should conduct a Galleria blood test on a trial basis.

Paul Pharaoh, a professor of cancer epidemiology at the University of Cambridge, told the Science Media Center that he had doubts about the pilot’s scientific basis, based on the limited public research available.

“The Galleria blood test has the potential to detect cancer in the blood of patients with early-stage cancer, but there is weak evidence that it does this effectively,” he said. “The NHS should not invest in such tests before they are properly evaluated in large, well-conducted clinical trials.”

Cancer Research UK CEO Michelle Mitchell said tests like those developed by Grail have “potential for major changes” if they prove to be effective in early detection of cancer. It was.

Dr. Jodie Moffat, Head of Early Diagnosis at Cancer Research UK, said previous results from non-UK studies are promising. “But especially for some cancer types, the sample size is so small that it should be tested with a much larger sample, and the follow-up of patients who do not test positive in the blood test is lengthened. You need to understand where the cancer is, “she told the Science Media Center.

“Based on the evidence we have seen, this test is currently not very good at detecting stage I cancer. The cancer is small and has not spread to other parts of the body.”

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