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Don’t let the mess infect you before vaccination | Nagpur News

Don’t let the mess infect you before vaccination | Nagpur News


Even before the vaccine, anti-vaccine messages began to spread on social media. The World Health Organization (WHO) also states that fake news, false information, and social media transfers can threaten the Covid-19 vaccination program. An important meeting on vaccine distribution was held in Nagpur on Friday. Doctors attending the meeting expressed concern about the confusion about vaccines for the general public and non-medical personnel in the government. TOI brings all the real information about the Covid-19 vaccine …
Everything about vaccines
Who makes it
Over 100 potential vaccine candidates worldwide
Three vaccines have been pretested in India.The other 4 are in preclinical stage
Indian vaccine
Cobishield | Oxford vaccine, already in Phase 3 trials in India.Manufactured by Serum Institute, Pune, Effectiveness | Over 70%
Kovacin | Barrat Biotechnology, Hyderabad Indian Vaccine, Phase 3 trial is already underway.Effectiveness | 60% or more
ZyCOV-D | Created by Zydus Cadila Research Center in Gujarat. Phase 2 trials are in progress.Effectiveness | 70% or more
Sputnik 5 | Russian vaccine, but tested in India through Dr. Lady’s laboratory. Phase 2 exam.Effectiveness | 90% or more
When do you expect to come
The first vaccine, probably Covishield, is scheduled for the end of December and subsequent vaccines until February 2021.
Who will be vaccinated first
Dedicated Covid-19 Hospital Staff
Residents and staff of government medical colleges
Elderly / elderly population
Persons judged to be clinically very vulnerable individuals
People over the age of 18 in a group at risk
Priority is given to patients who have recovered from Covid where the antibody was developed.
What the doctor says
Don’t believe the fake news, WhatsApp University will forward about upcoming vaccines
Follow only genuine sources
See news printed on the WHO website, reputable and government publications
Robust vaccine distribution system under development in Japan
Citizens receive the vaccine when technical approval is obtained
TOI spoke to infectious disease expert Dr. Nitin Shinde.
Q: The recovery rate for Indians is over 90%. Is there really a need for a vaccine?
A: Yes. Vaccines are there to reduce hospitalization rates in India. Medical facilities are limited and hospitalization rates decrease as more people are vaccinated.
Q: Is it true that RNA vaccines radically change people’s DNA?
A: No. RNA vaccines do not alter human DNA.
Q: Will local vaccinations bring my life back to normal?
A: Regional vaccination can only restore herd immunity and the economy to normal.
Q: Who is the first person in my family to be vaccinated?
A: We need to prioritize people at risk, such as the elderly, healthcare professionals, and people in special conditions. But in reality everyone needs to be vaccinated. That way, the infection cannot spread.
Q: Is the Covid vaccine safe?
A: Most of the latest vaccines are safe. There is enough data to support the claim.
Q. What is the efficacy of the vaccine?
A: Current vaccines claim 70% to 90% efficacy.
Q. Can vaccines end a pandemic?
A: Yes, after a sufficient number of people have been vaccinated.



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