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Researchers have discovered a genetic variation associated with the severity of COVID-19


Has been updated:
November 29, 2020 14:05 IS

Boston (Massachusetts) [US], November 29 (ANI): A new study led by researchers at the Beth Israel Deacones Medical Center (BIDMC) sheds light on genetic risk factors that predispose individuals to more or less severe COVID-19 infections. I am.
Thousands of people test positive for the virus every day, and the reason behind those who experience mild to asymptomatic while others become seriously ill is still in the shadow of doubt. According to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Robert E. Gersten, MD, Head of Cardiovascular Medicine at BIDMC, irradiates an important process of COVID-19 that can open up new possibilities in the treatment of this disease.
Professor Gerszten of Harvard Medical School shared that different patients affected by COVID-19 show different symptoms and different severity. “Present conditions, especially cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, are risk factors for disease severity and outcome, with some underlying people developing life-threatening illnesses and others asymptomatic. It’s not well understood why it remains. “

The findings presented at NEJM explain the association between COVID-19 results and changes in two regions of the human genome, based on genetic evidence from patients in China, Europe, and the United States. But to find the differences caused by disease, scientists need to understand the role of proteins carried by the genome in the context of disease.
A database generated by Gerszten and colleagues of all proteins and metabolites associated with different regions of the human genome found that one genome “hotspot” was associated. Severity of COVID-19 disease.. As a result, researchers have noticed that the same region is linked to proteins and have recently been involved in the following processes: SARS-CoV-2 virus Infects human cells.
“The most highly expressed protein in the region was found to be the co-receptor of the virus that causes COVID-19. Currently available so-called antibody cocktails primarily target the viral spike protein. The study identifies which proteins in the human body infect SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses, “Gerszten said.
The second region was reportedly linked to a poorly understood protein that appeared to play a role in attracting immune cells. lymphocytes To the site of infection.. The study also suggests that these genetic variations and proteins may vary by race. Overall, these discoveries are an important contribution to science in understanding the mystery of COVID-19. (ANI)


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