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The bride forged terminal cancer and forced her friend to pay for her dream wedding


The bride pretended to have terminal cancer to persuade her friend to pay more than $ 15,000 for her dream wedding.

Toni Standen, 29, shaved his head and spoke to the press, stating about the disease:

She pulled her heart, asking her father, Derek, who was dying of cancer, to walk down the aisle.

A friend launched the GoFundMe page to give Standen and his partner James a “wedding for them.” mirror Report.

Standen’s dad Derek, 57, died before a big day, but the video he recorded was played.

Relation: Cancer con Belle Gibson forged terminal illness

One guest told Miller: “After hearing her father’s struggling words, she stood up, gave a perfect speech, and made some jokes.

“Her mother and brother were little by little. We were all listening to the bride’s father’s message from across the grave.

“Toni also received a video message from Everton FC from one of the top players. She laughed all the time.”

After the wedding in Widnes, Cheshire, Standen and James, 52, went to a nearby hotel. Witnesses claim that she ran around her wedding card and counted the cash inside before leaving for Turkey for her honeymoon.

Standen’s lie became apparent when she claimed to have the coronavirus, causing suspicion among her peers.

Cheryl Aston, 33, who donated $ 9,47, said: She tricked us all. We were all completely sucked.

“She told me she was dying, and I fell into it.”

Cheryl, the two mothers attending the wedding, added: “I remember she telling me that the cancer had recurred and it was in the terminal stage.

“She told me it had spread to her bones and her organs. I was devastated – everyone was.

“She said she wanted her father to walk down the aisle before one of them died. I wanted to help so badly, but I couldn’t afford to buy much. I told her I asked about raising money, she said, “Yes, yeah, it helps a little.”

Lie web

In July 2017, Standen was interviewed in a local newspaper that he had cancer.

In her second interview last year, she talked about the “catastrophic” news that her illness is at the end of life.

In January of this year, Standen even said that he had a two-month survival period and that his organs had failed.

And in February, her post on Facebook page was later blamed on the hacker. “RIPTONI. Our lovely Toni died last night and was surrounded by friends and family … strong to the end.”

Two friends finally decided to ask her a question.

Some say: “We called on her for a tripartite conversation and recorded it. We asked her straight:” Did you really get cancer? “

“She started crying and admitted that it was all a lie. We ended the call and immediately called the police.”

Unemployed Standen pleaded guilty to fraud by a false agent last week between February 2019 and April 2020, and she can now face imprisonment for her actions.

District judge Nicholas Sanders said she had committed a “terrible back office.”

The judge can order Standen to repay the donation.

Cheryl, a care worker, said: “When something comes back, donate it to a cancer charity. At the end of this dark story, we need some light.”

This article was originally published Sun Reproduced with permission


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