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Mucosal immunity may play an important role in the prevention of COVID-19 infection, experts say.

Mucosal immunity may play an important role in the prevention of COVID-19 infection, experts say.


Mucosal immunity may

We believe that ignoring the mucosal immune response to SARS-CoV-2 is a significant omission: Expert (Representative)

New York:

The mucous membranes of the nose and mouth may play an “important role” in controlling the spread of COVID-19, a role played by this arm of the immune system in the asymptomatic and mild conditions of the coronavirus. Scientists are calling for further research to assess the virus. infection.

An analysis published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology pointed out that the mucosal immune system is the largest component of immunity, but it has not been the focus of much research on COVID-19 to date.

“Given the site of early infection with SARS-CoV-2, I think ignoring the mucosal immune response is a significant omission,” said Michael W. Russell, co-author of the University at Buffalo, USA.

“Obviously, the response of systemic immunoglobulin G antibody (the most abundant circulating antibody) is important. We can’t deny it, but it’s not enough,” Russell added.

He said the first focus of the COVID-19 study was in cases of serious illness where the virus descends into the lower respiratory tract, especially the lungs.

In the lungs, scientists said the cell-mediated immune response exacerbates inflammation rather than fighting infection.

However, they said the immune response triggered there is particularly interesting because the upper respiratory tract, which includes the nose, tonsils, and adenoids, is the first point of infection for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Researchers believe that the high asymptomatic infection rate of COVID-19 is another reason why mucosal immunity is so important.

“Given that many infected people remain asymptomatic and many who develop symptoms suffer from mild to moderate illness, this is something that controls the virus somewhere. It suggests that he is doing a pretty good job, “Russell said.


Scientists sought further research to determine the nature of mucosal secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) antibody responses during the course of infection in both mild and moderate cases of COVID-19 disease (” Including asymptomatic or presymptomatic ones).

They added that the mucosal immune response can vary by age group and population.

Scientists say that focusing on mucosal immunity may also enable the development of vaccines that are easy to store, transport and administer, such as nasal vaccines.

Russell said these vaccines may not have special temperature requirements and do not require injections, which may make them more palatable to a large population, especially children.

“The potential advantage of mucosal vaccines is that they elicit an immune response, including SIgA antibodies, in the mucosal tract, especially in the upper respiratory tract, where the coronavirus first comes into contact,” Russell explained. Usually don’t do this.

Researchers believe that the link between more molecular research on IgA antibodies and the stage of COVID-19 can shed more light on the unknown.

“As mucosal immunologists with decades of experience behind us, we have been upset by the lack of attention to this, and we hope to draw attention to this obvious omission. “I will,” Russell said.

“After all, the mucosal immune system is by far the largest component of the overall immune system and has evolved to protect the mucosal surface where the majority of infections occur,” he adds. It was.


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