Africa: The fight against AIDS wins and loses, gaining valuable lessons for managing Covid-19
On World AIDS Day this year, we are in the midst of another pandemic- COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears..
The highly infectious new coronavirus has swept the globe, destroying the healthcare system and wasting the economy as the government has introduced drastic measures to contain the spread. Since the HIV / AIDS pandemic in the 1990s, countries have not faced such a general health threat.
This is why UNAIDS chose the theme.Global solidarity, shared responsibility“For this year’s World AIDS Day.
Infectious diseases such as these remain a major threat to human health and prosperity.Around 32.7 million people He has died of AIDS-related illness in the last 40 years. At the time of writing 1.4 million people He died of COVID-19 in just one year.
These illnesses require incredible expertise, cooperation and dedication from all levels of society to track, understand, treat and prevent.
The HIV / AIDS response occurred in a much longer orbit than COVID-19. But it is, in some respects, a glorious example of what can be achieved when the country and people work together.Organizational work like who, UNAIDS And that International AIDS Society Helps coordinate the rapid sharing of information and resources between healthcare providers and the community.
The· Global fund And PEPPAR We have mobilized resources to help reduce morbidity and mortality in low- and middle-income areas.AIDS-related deaths are declining worldwide 39% since 2010..
These and other groups have also fought high drug prices that would make many people in developing countries inaccessible. South Africa is the epicenter of the HIV epidemic and the simplest daily supply of antiretroviral drugs. The cost in 2002 is about R250..Today, easier and more palatable treatments are given once a day cost A few lands.
Collaboration and coordination also means that medicines are being developed and tested by people around the world. And when it becomes available, global guidelines and training opportunities will standardize healthcare delivery and quality.
Many of these achievements would not have been possible without battle. Dedicated and sustainable activity at the political and community levels is needed to reduce drug prices in the southern part of the world and is always needed to ensure a comprehensive distribution of resources.
The natural result is also true. Areas where the world continues to struggle occur primarily in areas where solidarity and consensus are lacking. These include the lack of political support to implement evidence-based protection mechanisms for vulnerable and stigmatized people. For example, legalization of homosexuality. This will continue to cause HIV infection, but it will be avoidable and will result in associated mortality.
These lessons need to be taken on board to prepare for the next stage in which the world manages COVID-19. All interventions that have helped contain and manage HIV and AIDS, regardless of development status, ensure that countries and populations, especially those facing stigma and fighting access to health services, are not left behind. It is important.
Built on existing system
Because the challenges are similar, lessons learned from HIV and AIDS can be used to signal a response to COVID-19.
Many of the ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials are being conducted in multiple countries, including South Africa. As a result of decades of HIV / AIDS studies, the ability to carry out these studies, including clinical staff and clinical trial sites, is well established. There is concern that developing countries may be excluded from access to effective COVID-19 vaccines. However, there are now global mechanisms in place to avoid this and instead promote and enable global solidarity, some of which are supported by the HIV / AIDS response.
The· Access to COVID-9 Tool (ACT)-Accelerator, Established in April 2020 by the World Health Organization in collaboration with many other global organizations, governments, civil society and industry, through a pillar known as Covax, fair distribution and diagnostic testing of the COVID-19 vaccine and I am working on treatment. These global institutions and mechanisms require ongoing support.
With the deployment of effective vaccines, the end of COVID-19 may soon be visible. In the case of HIV, vaccine development was more complex and disappointing. The global community must continue to commit to promoting access and support for the many incredible prevention and treatment options available. The unprecedented efforts of the private sector in responding to the COVID-19 vaccine reveal what can be achieved when all stakeholders are involved. Similar efforts are needed to tackle HIV and tuberculosis vaccines.
These are not the only pandemics the world faces. In fact, there are strong predictions that the emergence of new pandemics will increase in the future. This is due to the effects of globalization, climate variability and access to wildlife.
The best hope for humanity is to keep track of what these pandemics are sacrificing to us from the perspective of their loved ones, from the perspective of freedom, and economically. We must now collectively prepare at all levels of the country and society. These preparations need to be relearned from COVID-19 based on the lessons learned from HIV / AIDS.
Social solidarity
The success of the global response to current and new pandemics depends on the ability of vulnerable people to recognize their common responsibilities and respond to their calls.
The important truth about the HIV epidemic is that it is not discriminatory. There are no infectious diseases that recognize political borders, and everyone is at risk of being infected or affected. For this reason, we need to continue to work together globally, recognizing that “no one is safe until everyone is safe.”
Carey Pike, Executive Research Assistant at the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation, contributed to this article.
Linda-Gail Bekker, Professor of Medicine and Deputy Director of Desmond Tutu HIV Center, Institute of Molecular Medicine for Infectious Diseases, University of Cape Town
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