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Coronavirus News: US Support for Post-Thanksgiving Hospitalization Rise

Coronavirus News: US Support for Post-Thanksgiving Hospitalization Rise


New York (WABC)-After the busiest travel day since the outbreak of the pandemic, health officials are preparing for the expected surge in COVID-19 hospitalization.

Currently, nearly 100,000 people in the United States are hospitalized for the virus.

In November alone, more than 4 million Americans were infected, more than double the total in October.

With people returning after Thanksgiving holidays, there is a new call to limit meetings, even if they are outdoors.

Meanwhile, a three-week curfew began on Monday in Los Angeles County, reporting more than 5,000 cases.

What you need to know about coronavirus:
Where to take tests in New York, NJ, Connecticut
Postal Code Coronavirus-New York City
How the coronavirus changed the New York area
Are there any symptoms of coronavirus?

Today’s heading is:

NYC schools reopen in stages
Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio The city’s public schools have announced that they will be phased in from Monday, December 7th... The step-by-step introduction approach begins in grades 3-K, Pre-K, and K-5 and returns to face-to-face learning on December 7. D75 schools in all grades will return to face-to-face learning on Thursday. , December 10th. In addition, schools need to increase their tests monthly to weekly and require a test consent form to attend.

New York’s daily positive rate again up to 4.27%
Governor Andrew Cuomo said New York’s daily COVID-19 positive rate rose again to 4.27%. The governor said the state reported more than 157,000 test results on Saturday.

One million passengers traveled to a U.S. airport on Saturday
Almost 1 million passengers traveled to US airport Saturday and officials expect more Sundays, despite a surge in coronavirus cases. According to Transportation Security Administration data, 964,630 travelers passed the TSA checkpoint on Saturday, up from 560,902 on Thursday and 820,399 on Friday. Still, groups in the travel industry expect Sunday (everyone goes home from their vacation destination) to be the busiest day of travel since the pandemic closure began in March.

NJ Health Dept.Employee test positive
Employees working at the New Jersey Department of Health recently tested positive for COVID-19, the Department of Health said in a statement. The employee was last in the building on Tuesday, November 24th, but is now quarantined at home. Health Commissioner Judith Persicily and some of the staff working in Trenton’s Ministry of Health commissioner’s office work from home and voluntarily quarantine until December 8.

Illegal club with nearly 400 closed
An illegal club with nearly 400 people was closed early SaturdaySaid the New York City Sheriff. In a Twitter post, the sheriff’s office said more than 393 lawmakers had been found in a building on West 36th Street in Midtown.

Rockland County begins testing schools in the Yellow Zone
one week The tuned test begins For school districts in the Yellow Zone of Rockland County. The Rockland County Health Department has partnered with Good Samaritan Hospital to provide tests that take place on Monday. November 30th. Schools in the Yellow Zone are required to test 20% of their students, faculty and staff for the two weeks immediately following the announcement of the Yellow Zone designation so that they can study directly.

New Jersey reports 24 new COVID deaths
New Jersey reported 3,924 new positive cases on Saturday. That number has dropped slightly since Friday. However, more deaths were reported on Saturday, 24th, compared to 19 on the previous day. Overall, the total number of COVID cases reported has exceeded 330,000, and the total number of deaths is currently 15,136.

Newark COVID Task Force closes eight businesses due to breach
Newark Mayor Las Baraka Announced that eight businesses were cited In case of COVID violation. The mayor was announced on Saturday by Public Security Director Anthony Ambrose. They say that within the first two days of Mayor Baraka’s 10-day blockade, Newark’s COVID-19 Task Force issued eight subpoenas to companies that violated Governor Phil Murphy’s executive order.

NYC COVID daily number
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Saturday that 136 new patients were admitted to the hospital for COVID. In addition, 1,589 new cases have been reported, with an average 7-day positive rate of 3.64% now.
Los Angeles issues curfew amid a surge in coronavirus
The 3-week order will take effect on Monday. It came because the county confirmed 24 new deaths and 4,544 new cases of COVID-19. The 5-day average for new cases was 4,751. About 2,000 people in the county are hospitalized. “We know we’re asking so many people who have been sacrificing for months to do a lot,” said Barbara Ferrer, director of public health. “If you want to stop this surge, it’s imperative to act collectively and urgently right now.” This order encourages residents to stay “as much as possible” at home and cover their faces when going out. I will. It prohibits people from gathering with people who are not in their household, whether public or private.

Know the NYCCOVID zone
You can find your COVID zone at

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Are there any symptoms of coronavirus?
Where to be tested for COVID-19 coronavirus
New CDC guidelines for masks
How the coronavirus changed the New York area
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Coronavirus Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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