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By 2030, HIV will be tested every time blood is drawn to eradicate new cases, activists say


Activists urge people to be tested for HIV each time blood is drawn to eradicate new cases over the next decade.

A new report from the HIV Commission will conduct regular smear tests, pharmacies, and A & E tests when enrolling in the GP to meet the government’s goal of ending infections in the UK by 2030. I asked for it to be the standard method.

Nearly 550,000 eligible people at the sexual health clinic alone were not tested for HIV last year, according to recent data from the UK Public Health Services.

Half of those people (46%) were not offered the test, but the other half refused to take the test.

It is estimated that about 5,900 people in the United Kingdom live with undiagnosed HIV, increasing the risk of unknowingly transmitting HIV to others.

Activists say that you should have an HIV test whenever you have a blood test at a general practitioner, pharmacy, A & E, etc.
(Image: Getty Images)

Prior to World AIDS Day on December 1, the Commission called on everyone to be aware of the status of HIV in order to make the public more aware of the infection.

And they want to be offered tests to reduce the stigma of taking the test for everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or gender.

“By 2030, new HIV infections in the UK are neither dreamy nor social media friendly. 100% achievable,” said Dame Inga Beale, chair of the HIV Commission. Stated.

“Our vision for 2030 is real. We need to raise a lot of money to enable the very necessary gradual changes in HIV testing across the healthcare system, but in the long run the NHS You can save money on.

“Only by testing everyone, regardless of ethnicity, gender, or gender, can HIV testing be truly normalized and become a standard part of everyday medical care.”

Opt-out testing for HIV is already routine for pregnant women, covering about 99% of the tests.

As a result, few HIV-infected babies have been born in the UK in recent years.

Ministers were asked to promise to reduce new diagnoses by 80% by 2025. This will reduce the number of cases from 2,861 in 2019 to less than 600 in five years.

Sir Elton John, a longtime activist, said Britain had a chance to become the first country in the world to end a new case of HIV.

He states: “Making HIV testing available and normalizing across medical services not only means that people can be treated, but by making testing routine, we remove some of the stigma that hinders us. I will. “

Labor Frontbencher Wes Streeting said the minister should apply lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic on the benefits of regular inspections.

“Testing and tracing are the keys to ending the Covid-19 pandemic. The same applies to the HIV epidemic,” he told Miller.

“Knowing an HIV-positive diagnosis is definitely shocking news, but the virus is not from the 1980s and 1990s.

“The earlier the diagnosis, the better the health and the life expectancy of most people living with HIV is normal.

“For 5,900 undiagnosed people in the United Kingdom, a positive test will change their lives. Finding them is also the key to stopping the spread of the virus.”


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