San Diego County reports an additional 959 COVID-19 cases.Hospitalization up
Photo courtesy Guillermo del Toro
Health officials in San Diego County reported 959 new COVID-19 infections on Monday, with a surge in hospitalizations that nearly tripled in a month.
The San Diego County Department of Health and Welfare reported that as of Monday, 692 patients with coronavirus were hospitalized, 180 of whom were being treated in the intensive care unit. There were 671 reported on Sunday, 636 on Saturday, and 580 last Wednesday and Thursday.
The county exceeded 400 hospitalizations on 17 November, 500 hospitals on 23 November, and 600 hospitalizations last Friday.
The number of people infected with COVID-19 in local hospitals has almost tripled since a month ago, with 239 hospitalized on October 30.
Related: Long test line, expected increase in COVID-19 cases after Thanksgiving
Of the 82,043 cases recorded in the county since the onset of the pandemic, 4,635 (5.6%) required hospitalization and 1,019 (1.2%) had to be hospitalized in the ICU.
The total number of people hospitalized in the county for some reason remains around 4,200 per month, but the proportion of COVID-19 patients in regional hospitals has risen from 5.5% a month ago to 16% on Monday. ..
Monday was the 20th consecutive day when more than 600 new cases were reported, the 11th day when more than 900 new cases were reported, and more than 1,800 new infections were reported over the two days of the holiday weekend. ..
The death toll remained unchanged at 997 on Monday.
Dr. Wilma Uten, a county public health officer, advised people who traveled or hosted family and friends on Thanksgiving weekends to be examined.
Related: Newsom: Possibility to wipe out curfew across the state amid a surge in viruses
“By taking the test, people can know if they have been infected with COVID-19 and prevent the virus from spreading to others,” she said. “People also need to cover their faces, maintain social distance, avoid crowds, and monitor their symptoms.”
According to county data, San Diego County is on track to double the number of cases in 38 days.
A total of 15,348 tests were reported on Monday, with 6% returning positive and a 14-day average rising to 6.1%.
Seven community outbreaks were confirmed on Monday, three in a business environment, one in a restaurant environment, one in a faith-based environment, one in a medical facility, and one in a grocery store. Over the past 7 days, 79 community outbreaks have been identified. Community outbreaks are defined as 3 or more COVID-19 cases in people from different households and settings over the last 14 days.
San Diego County broke deep into the most restrictive purple layer of the state’s four-layer reopening plan on Saturday, resulting in 26.5 new COVID-19 cases unadjusted per 100,000 people. Due to the significant increase in testing by local health authorities, even if the adjusted rate is 15.6 per 100,000, that number far exceeds the strictest baseline of 7 per 100,000 per day. I am.
The positive rate of the test is 4.7%, which remains in the orange layer with less restrictions on its metric.
The county’s health inequality index, which examines the test positive rate in the areas with the lowest health status, is 9.3%, which is in the purple layer. This metric does not move the county to a more restrictive hierarchy, but it is needed to move to a less restrictive hierarchy.
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