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CDC says it’s not time to join the cruise

CDC says it’s not time to join the cruise
CDC says it’s not time to join the cruise


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The illness can quickly spread on a cruise ship. Rossella Terranegra / EyeEm / Getty Images
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises travelers to avoid cruising for some time. The agency rates cruise travel as Level 4: Very High Level COVID-19.
  • COVID-19 continues to surge in the United States, where more than 267,000 people have died.
  • If you are planning a cruise trip, we recommend that you postpone it.

TheĀ· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The risk of COVID-19 infection is so high that travelers are advised to avoid cruise ships for the time being.

This recommendation comes shortly after the CDC lifts the November 1 order that previously blocked cruise ships of at least 250 passengers in waters under US jurisdiction.

Despite canceling the order, the CDC is currently advising travelers to avoid cruising for quite some time. The agency rates cruise travel as Level 4: Very High Level COVID-19.

The CDC recommends that “the risk of COVID-19 on a cruise ship is so high that everyone avoids traveling on a cruise ship, including river cruises, around the world. It is especially important for expensive people to avoid traveling on cruise ships, including river cruises. ”

Most cruise ships departing the United States have canceled or postponed their 2020-21 season voyages due to the high risk of human-to-human transmission of infectious diseases, including COVID-19.

“We’re pleased that the CDC ultimately recommended that people avoid foreseeable future cruises, but it’s a shame they didn’t take this stance much earlier in the pandemic,” he said. Dr. Robert Glatter, An emergency physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.

In the early stages of the pandemic, cruise ships were a major concern for the transmission of the disease.

February 20, World Health Organization (WHO) 50 percent Among the cases of COVID-19 known in the world except China, it can be traced back to one cruise ship, Diamond Princess.

The ship was quarantined in Japan and had more than 3,700 people on board. Hundreds of people got sick with COVID-19.

“The asymptomatic spread of the virus among passengers contributed to significant morbidity and mortality,” Glatter said.

“Cruise ships are often referred to as’floating Petri dishes’, recognizing that infectious diseases, especially norovirus, are likely to spread rapidly, but these days it’s COVID-19,” he said. It was.

In March, more than 800 COVID-19 cases were associated with the voyages of three different cruise ships. CDC..

“Even before COVID, cruise ships proved to be ideal incubators for the following infectious diseases: E. coli, Norovirus, chickenpox, influenza. ” Dr. Sirin Peters, Founder of Bethany Medical Clinic in New York.

“The proximity of a quarter of the passengers increases the risk of infection on cruise ships, and passengers are at the mercy of the hygiene protocols of the company that actually operates the cruise line,” she said. ..

In addition, it can infect the coronavirus without symptoms.about 40 percent The rate of coronavirus infection is asymptomatic or occurs before symptoms appear, making it difficult to contain the spread of the virus on board.

The mode of COVID-19 infection makes it difficult to detect and enforce quarantine and quarantine protocols in environments where physical distance is difficult.

“The difficulty of detecting the spread of infection among the crew of a ship may, as a result, allow the virus to continue to spread between passengers and crew during consecutive voyages. It’s important to understand, “Glatter said.

“COVID-19 also recognized that the crew from the outbreak could spread from ship to ship as a result of moving to another ship for additional travel. Can promote a rapid spread from to the country, “he said.

Cruises are a prime example of unnecessary travel. Cruises are optional and are entirely designed for leisure travel.

If you are planning a cruise itinerary, please cancel or reschedule. If you still decide to cruise during the COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC has the following recommendations:

  • Do not board if you are ill, know you are infected with COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone infected with the coronavirus in the last two weeks.
  • Discuss your trip with your healthcare provider. Elderly people and people with underlying illnesses are at increased risk of serious illness.
  • Always practice physical distance with people who are not traveling with you.
  • Wear a mask in shared spaces, including public transport.
  • Wash your hands frequently or use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

Passengers who decide to travel are advised to quarantine for 14 days after returning from their cruise trip.

The CDC also suggests that you be tested for coronavirus 3-5 days after your trip and stay home for 7 days after your trip. Stay home for 7 days, even if the test is negative.

If you don’t take the test, it’s safest to stay home for 14 days after your trip.


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