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World AIDS Day: COVID-19 Pandemic May Increase HIV Infection Over the Next Two Years, UN Warning | Weather Channel-Weather Channel Articles


File Photo: Students formed the largest human ribbon during the World AIDS Day celebration hosted by the Community Welfare Organization of India and the University of Sri Krishna Swami for Women in Chennai.

(BA Raju / TOI, BCCL, Chennai)

On Tuesday’s World AIDS Day, the latest report from the Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS) shows that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will bring 123,000 to 293,000 new HIV cases and 69,000 to 148,000 additional AIDS-related deaths. I warn you that there is a possibility. Next two years.

In a report titled “Overcoming the Pandemic by Putting People at the Center,” UNAIDS warned that global AIDS response was not on track even before the pandemic, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

By 2020, 90% of people living with HIV know their HIV status, 90% know they are being treated, and 90% of people living with HIV are suppressed, including 90%. I had set a triple goal for the ages. Viral load.

However, the rapid spread of the coronavirus has created a further setback.

As part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), UNAIDS has invested much more in responding to the pandemic in order for the world to return to a trajectory to end AIDS by 2030. Called for a bold, ambitious but achievable new set. HIV target.

“The collective failure to not fully invest in comprehensive, rights-based, people-centric HIV control comes at a terrible price,” said UNAIDS Secretary-General Winnie Byanima.

“Implementing the most politically sensible program does not oppose COVID-19 or end AIDS. To get the global response back on track, people are our top priority. We need to address the epidemic-wide inequality. “

Since then, UNAIDS has proposed a new set of goals for 2025, which, if achieved, will enable UNSDG to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

This includes achieving 95% of the numbers by 2025. For example, 95% of women in reproductive age meet the needs of HIV, sexual and reproductive health services. 95% of pregnant and lactating women living with HIV suppress viral load. 95 percent of children infected with HIV are tested. In addition, 95% of people at risk of HIV infection use appropriate, high-priority, effective, human-centered combination prevention options.

The 2025 goals also include ambitious non-discrimination goals. For example, less than 10% of countries have disciplinary laws and policies, less than 10% of people living with HIV and affected by HIV experience stigma and discrimination, less than 10%, etc. is. Percentages are experiencing gender inequality and violence.

Faced with an unabated COVID-19 pandemic, UNAIDS Chief reiterated her call for global solidarity and the world to learn from the mistakes of the HIV response.

“These pandemics cannot be defeated alone. Challenges of this scale can only be defeated by building global solidarity, sharing responsibilities, and mobilizing responses that leave no one behind. , It can be achieved by sharing the load and cooperating. “

According to UNAIDS, there were 1.7 million new HIV infections and 690,000 deaths from AIDS-related diseases in 2019. 38 million people worldwide live with HIV, and more than 12 million are waiting for life-saving HIV treatment.


The above article was published by the news agency with minimal changes to the headline and text.

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