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Hugset Reopens at UK Care Facility with Rapid Covid Test | World News

Hugset Reopens at UK Care Facility with Rapid Covid Test | World News


At care homes in the UK, rapid visitor testing will begin Wednesday and hugs will resume, but care operators will not visit everyone before Christmas to reduce the risk of infection. Warns that protective equipment is still essential.

The guidelines will be published shortly by the Bureau. health Social care is expected to be able to hug as long as the visitor wears a mask, gloves and gown.

It was suspected on the weekend The Cabinet Office said The test may allow the visitor to “physically contact a loved one, such as providing personal care or holding hands,” without mentioning the hug. In most cases, visitors will need to book in advance, and if the test is negative on that day, they will be admitted and the site will be tested.

Last week, Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitti said he wouldn’t recommend anyone to hug or kiss older relatives, but guidance needs to weigh the risks it may pose. It is expected that the hug will be left as an option while emphasizing.

Deploying lateral flow tests to all care homes in the UK.Care Minister Helen Whately Pledge completed by ChristmasDespite concerns from Sheffield and Liverpool Health Directors about the effectiveness of rapid testing.

The Sheffield Council has told Liverpool not to use them in local care homes while delaying the start of the program, Guardian revealed on Monday. The Liverpool Council requires visitors to take two tests at 24-hour intervals.

care EnglandOn behalf of the largest care facility provider, he also warned relatives on Tuesday. [testing] Is well established, and its visits are only possible “as part of the raft of other infection control measures.”

The rollout follows a two-week trial at 20 care homes in southern England, including Meadway Care Homes in Winchester.

“Our first visitor put the Christmas tree in his father’s bedroom,” said Zoe McCallum, chief operating officer of Brendon Care, who runs the house. “She was allowed to hug him. That’s the difference.”

The Lateral Flow Test Kit, which produces results in about 30 minutes, has already been shipped to several large care facilities and is intended to reach smaller homes in the coming weeks.

However, Martin Green, CEO of Care England, provides test kits to a large number of homes and the logistical challenge of determining that individual care facilities cannot adequately reduce the risk of infection even by testing. Said that it means that the Christmas goal is unlikely to be achieved.

With over 15,000 care facilities in the UK, it takes less than three weeks to deploy a program to meet the Whately deadline.

Sam Monaghan, Chief Executive Officer of MHA, the UK’s largest non-profit care home provider, said: “Care providers like MHA do not rely solely on testing. People who visit a care home that is negative on the coronavirus test continue to observe social distance, use PPE, and have good hygiene. It is expected that preventive measures will be taken to protect the inhabitants, such as implementing them. “

Care homes are demanding additional funding to pay staff to carry out inspections, cleaning and visit management, and the National Care Forum states that costs can exceed £ 30m per month nationwide. However, no new cash is expected to be provided, instead care homes are being urged to apply to Congress under the existing £ 1.1 billion infection control fund.


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