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10 winter skin care tips by experts to care for acne-prone skin


Winter means cool weather, but it also means different skin care regimens. Changes in humidity and air during the winter can cause the skin to become dry, scaly and itchy. Therefore, you need to be especially careful with your skin.

However, acne-prone skin tends to respond to many breakouts during the winter season. The skin dries. It signals the body to produce more oil for skin balance, which in turn causes clogging and fresh breakouts. So, Dr. Chytra Anand, CEO and Founder of Cosmerma, offers some skincare tips for winter acne-prone skin.

Winter skin care tips to help people with acne problems:

Restrict the use of hot water

Hot water is attractive in winter, but it makes the skin very dry. Use lukewarm water instead. Do not soak in the bathtub for a long time. If you are in the bath, you can add oil to the water in the tub. Avoid hot water on the face.

Use a gentle Ph balance cleanser in winter

In winter, reduce the use of strong cleansers and soaps. Use a gentle cleanser with a good pH balance. If you use salicylate cleanser, limit its use every other day instead of every day.

Reduce alcohol-based products

The astringent and toner are naturally dried. In winter, reduce the use of irritating products that contain alcohol and fragrances. Otherwise, the skin becomes rough and the occurrence of acne increases on the skin.

Check with your doctor

If you are being treated for acne and your prescription drug is benzoyl peroxide or adapalene or retinol, consult your dermatologist about how often you use it in the winter. These products lead to stimuli that lead to breakouts.

Moisturize the right way

Moisturizing is an important element of skin care, especially during the winter season. Moisturizers act as a film on the surface of the skin. It also coats the skin and protects it from dryness. An active moisturizer with sodium hydronet and mini-ceramide helps to refinish the skin barrier and maintain its water levels.

Reduce the frequency of exfoliation

For acne and oily skin, exfoliating should be done weekly or at least every 15 days in most cases. However, during the winter, reduce exfoliation to once every three weeks.

Take zinc and antioxidant supplements

Keep a healthy diet and get plenty of zinc and antioxidants. Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties, protects the skin from breakouts, and antioxidants prevent free radical damage and reduce scarring.

Drink plenty of water

Hydration is the key to healthy skin during the winter. Make sure you have at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. And reduce your alcohol consumption.

Use a humidifier

In winter, the air dries and removes moisture from the skin. Place a humidifier in the room to increase the level of moisture in the atmosphere.

Receive hyaluronic acid treatment

Acid-base serum is applied to maintain skin hydration levels.

Read again: Is your skin prone to acne after training?Here’s how you deal with it

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