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COVID New York: NYC Health Commissioner issues notices to at-risk residents, resulting in a surge in COVID cases across the state


New York (WABC)-The NYC Health Commission is in effect immediately and advises older people and people with underlying illnesses at high risk of serious COVID-related illnesses to limit their activities outside the home. .. They are advised to stay just to leave home and go to work or school, or for important purposes such as medical care, grocery shopping, pharmacy essentials, etc. This recommendation also applies to household members and caregivers of these individuals.

“Some people know that the risk of more serious illness with COVID-19 is much higher,” said Dr. David Chokshi. “This includes older people in underlying health, so today we issue a commissioner notice to warn New Yorkers at risk of increasing COVID and encourage appropriate precautions. . “

This notice comes as state and city authorities strive to control the capacity of hospitals as coronavirus positivity increases.

The positive rate is 4.96% for the entire state. New York City’s positive rate surged on Tuesday from tests collected over Thanksgiving weekend. Mayor Bill de Blasio said it was due to the small sample size. He said not many people were tested for the holidays. Nevertheless, the daily positive rate was 5.72% and the 7-day positive rate was 4.14%.

According to states that use various indicators, the city’s 7-day average is 3.1% positive.

But so far, the city hospital is not overwhelmed. ICU is about two-thirds full.

All hospitals are ready to accept more patients as needed.

All hospitals have 3 months’ worth of PPE and a sufficient number of ventilators.

The equipment is not a problem at this time, they say.

The state’s hospitalizations are over 3,500, a level not seen since May.

On Monday, Governor Cuomo outlined his winter plans in preparation for another surge. This includes managing hospital capacity, adding beds, and identifying retired staff who can return to work.

Related: Governor Cuomo’s Five Strategies to Manage COVID-19 in New York During Winter Surge

He added that the hospital system requires the patient to move, so no one will be overwhelmed.

Already in Erie County, selective surgery has been suspended, which can spread elsewhere.

Some of the states may eventually have to revert to pause. This is also known as lockdown.

The winter plan also focuses on keeping the school open and adding tests.

The governor’s goal is to know that the virus does not spread easily in the classroom Keep K-8 School Open..

The Governor and Mayor Bill de Blasio are cooperating with this.

“This is a call to weapons. We need to avoid falling into a situation like spring. Many really depend on individual behavior and really have to avoid large indoor rallies of all kinds. I will respect you, “said the mayor. “We have to make sure that people wear those masks indoors and outdoors. These make a difference.”

Repeatedly, experts say that the virus actually spreads to people’s homes and not so much in gyms, restaurants and salons. That’s because people wear masks to keep distance, at least in public places.

Notice of NYC Health Commissioner
“In New York City, cases and hospitalizations for COVID-19 are increasing rapidly, so additional steps are needed to protect public health, mitigate the increase in cases, and maintain hospital capacity. is.

“The city’s health committee comes into force immediately and works outside the home, except for the elderly and people with underlying illnesses who are at high risk for severe COVID-related illnesses, except to leave home to work or school. For purposes such as medical, grocery shopping, and pharmacy essentials. This recommendation also applies to the families and caregivers of these individuals.
Underlying health conditions that increase the risk of serious illness due to COVID-19 include heart disease such as cancer, heart failure, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathy, chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, pregnancy, sickle cells. Disease, obesity, immunodeficiency (solid organ transplantation, smoking, and weakening of the immune system due to chronic obstructive lung disease). A complete list of conditions that may increase the risk of severe illness can be found on the CDC website.
Persons subject to this recommendation are indoors and outdoors, including around their families who are aware of their exposure to COVID-19, are experiencing viral symptoms, or are frequently interacting with the public. You should always cover your face.

“Furthermore, in order to limit interaction with others as much as possible, advisory individuals should keep guests out of their homes except for the caregivers they need and avoid traveling inside and outside New York City. recommend to.

“Individuals subject to advisory should be vigilant and take routine and necessary precautions. Always stay at least 6 feet away from other individuals outside the home. In case of illness, testing At home except for basic medical care, including COVID-19; wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, etc. Good hygiene and clean areas that are not frequently touched.
Persons eligible for advisory should, in consultation with their healthcare provider, maintain regular medical care for chronic or other health conditions and receive the necessary vaccinations.

“People with COVID-19 symptoms should contact their healthcare provider. Those receiving first aid should call 911.
For more information and guidance, please visit: “

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