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Brazil prioritizes elderly, indigenous and healthcare professionals with the COVID-19 vaccine


Brasilia (Reuters)-Indigenous peoples, healthcare professionals and people over the age of 75 are at the forefront of being vaccinated against COVID-19, the Brazilian Ministry of Health announced on Tuesday a four-step preliminary plan for the whole country. Stated. Immunity.

File Photo: In this figure, taken on October 30, 2020, a woman has a small bottle labeled with the “Coronavirus COVID-19 Vaccine” sticker and a medical syringe. REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / File Photo

People between the ages of 60 and 74 are vaccinated in the second stage, and those in previous health conditions such as heart disease and kidney disease are covered in the third stage.

According to the Ministry of Health, the final steps before making the vaccine available to more people include teachers, guards, first responders, prison staff and prisoners. The four stages cover 109.5 million of Brazil’s total population of 212 million.

The ministry said in a statement that the plan would be finalized once the available vaccines were identified.

A senior health ministry official said on Tuesday that Brazil’s ideal candidate is a cheaper single-dose vaccine that can be transported and stored at temperatures between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius (36 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit).

Among the vaccines Brazil is considering final purchase, the vaccine being developed by Johnson & Johnson’s Belgian pharmaceutical subsidiary Janssen is a single dose only. The European Medicines Agency said Tuesday that it began a real-time review of J & J’s vaccine candidates after preliminary results showed that Shot caused the production of antibodies and immune cells against the virus.[nL4N2IH3LZ][nL1N2I80IQ]

The ministry has so far guaranteed access to 142.9 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, of which 104 million are based on an agreement with AstraZeneca PLC and an additional 14.5 million are from the United Nations. It states that it will be available through the led Covax facility.

The ministry said it is in the process of purchasing 300 million syringes and needles in Brazil and another 40 million overseas.

Approximately 6.4 million new coronaviruses have been registered in Brazil since the pandemic began, with official deaths exceeding 173,000. This is the third largest outbreak in the world after the United States and India.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Health reported confirmed cases of 50,909 new coronaviruses in the last 24 hours. This is the highest number of daily cases since early September, with the death of 697 new COVID-19.

The governor of the country and opposition politicians are pressing the far-right government of President Jair Bolsonaro to develop a national vaccination program.

Report by Ricardo Brito and Anna Mano. Written by Anthony Boadle; edited by Brad Haynes and Leslie Adler


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