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Orange County Coronavirus Case Rate Exceeds Summer Highs – Orange County Register


The surge in orange county coronavirus cases has pushed it to new heights in the pandemic this week as state officials sounded a surge alarm and the healthcare system affected it.

According to the latest information from the State Public Health Service on Tuesday, December 1, Orange County reported about 22.2 new cases of the virus per 100,000 people per day, up from 18.7 cases per 100,000 people on Saturday. ..

According to data from healthcare agencies, the latest case rates for Orange County are record, ignoring state adjustments to allow counties to test, and the rate of new cases seen by the county during the mid-July surge. Seems to exceed.

County health officials were not asked to comment.

The county used to be poorly tested compared to the state average, but has strengthened its operations and is now testing more than ever. Over 100,000 swab tests were performed the week before Thanksgiving. This is almost twice the amount of test during the peak week of the summer surge.

Case rates are now higher, in part due to increased testing.

The county test positive rate (the swab test rate returned to positive) increased to 8.8% on Tuesday’s update, up from 7.6% on Saturday.

Tracking of test-positive states in hit, generally low-income areas, called health inequalities indicators, has been withheld since mid-November due to the overall surge. This was the third metric that helped determine which tier the county was classified in the state tracking system.

As the pandemic accelerates, state health departments are beginning to update county indicators more frequently. Since the introduction of the four-layer tracking system in late August, state officials have announced new indicators and inter-layer county movements about once a week.

Last week, a coronavirus patient filled a hospital bed in Orange County earlier than any other week in a pandemic.

By Tuesday, more than 600 people had been hospitalized with COVID-19. This is rapidly approaching the July 14th high of 722. Bed availability has resurfaced as a central concern of state health authorities. Newsam said on Monday that beds in Southern California currently occupy 66% and could fill 79% by Christmas Eve.

During the summer surge, Orange County hospitals were able to absorb the wave of coronavirus patients by changing their surge strategy. Thirty-three hospitals in the county maintained a collective occupancy of no more than 73%. Emergency room doctors with proven plans and new COVID-19 treatment options are confident that they are ready for a new wave.

Coronavirus-related deaths are generally considered an indicator of a delayed pandemic course, but have not yet responded to the rise in case rates. Orange County’s healthcare agency has not reported deaths from COVID-19 since Friday, when 18 people died recently.

The coronavirus has so far killed 1,577 Orange County residents. Almost half of the deceased lived in long-term care facilities or homes with long-term care.

State officials have sought to slow the pace of dissemination through a series of active directives.

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