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Holiday gatherings amid a surge in coronavirus hospitalizations in Quebec

Holiday gatherings amid a surge in coronavirus hospitalizations in Quebec



In Quebec, a holiday gathering is underway as the second wave. New coronavirus The pandemic has weakened and some hospitals have begun to reach capacity in the hit states.

The final decision on Christmas time was made on December 11, and Prime Minister François Lugo cites a large number of cases and associated increased hospitalizations. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears..

“Currently, we’re not in the right direction,” he told reporters in Quebec City on Tuesday, adding that he wanted to be as transparent as possible about the health crisis.

The changes will be Quebec had already revised its Christmas plan And what is allowed on holidays. The state was greening two rallies during the four days from December 24th to 27th, as long as people voluntarily quarantined the week before and after.

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More than 700 people are hospitalized on Tuesday. This is the height of the second wave of crisis. According to data from the National Institute of Public Health in Quebec, the last high hospitalization for the virus was on June 15.

read more:

Quebec added 1,117 new cases of coronavirus, killing another 28 as hospitalizations surged

“We will closely track the situation in the hospital for the next 10 days,” Legault said, adding that the state is approaching the number of patients it can treat.

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Legault said he is thinking of front-line healthcare professionals who have been working tirelessly to stop the tide for the past nine months. More than 6,000 healthcare professionals are on sick or preventive leave — and that number is still growing, he added.

“If hospitalizations continue to grow, it will be difficult to take that risk,” Lego said.

Dr. Oracio Aruda, director of public health in Quebec, said Tuesday that the number of hospitalizations that would cause the government to cancel its Christmas program was unspecified and would depend on the overall impact on the health system.

The prime minister admitted that he was also worried about the situation of individual elderly housing.

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According to public health officials, there are currently 120 private elderly homes with at least one active case of COVID-19. Of these, there are 20 facilities where more than 25% of the population has active cases.

Quebec reported on Tuesday 1,177 new virus-related infections and 28 additional deaths. The death toll is 7,084, while the number of cases has reached 143,548.

New rules appear in malls and stores when Christmas shopping begins

According to Legault, Quebec will soon roll out new rules for malls and other stores.

“Recently, there are a lot of people shopping for Christmas, and I think it’s economically important, but I’d like to ask our customers to pay attention to the new rules for malls and large stores in the near future.” It was. ..

A large area of ​​the state, including Montreal and Quebec City, remains the designated coronavirus red zone.

A partial blockade is underway in the Red Alert area. This means that bars, gyms, museums and dining rooms are off limits and most meetings are off until at least January 11, 2021.

read more: Ste. Ann’s hospital dealing with the outbreak of COVID-19, health officials confirm

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However, stores and malls are allowed to remain open throughout Quebec, as long as people wear masks and respect physical distance measurements.

Legault does not say exactly when the new rules will be announced, but urges the public to continue their efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19.

“There are still difficult months before vaccination,” he said. “The virus is very powerful and can be found anywhere in the world.”

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Coronavirus: 11% of Canadians are still planning vacations: Ipsos poll

— — Use Canadian Press files

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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