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We Will Be A History Project: US Children Talk About Life After Coronavirus


Children around the world live in moments that no generation has ever experienced. Many people in the United States have been locked down for a month, unable to see friends, and closed schools and playgrounds.

What do they think of the coronavirus that has hurt their lives, and how do they deal with it? Follow live updates on the coronavirus pandemic

Here are some of the things the child said:

What is a virus?

Coronavirus is a global disease that forces everyone to stay at home. The government wants us to be at home so that the virus does not continue to spread. -Alexis Anderson, 12, Memphis, TN.

If you imagine a bubble, it has spikes … and it attaches to those spikes to your cells and takes over the cells. -Maverick Hughes, 8, Carmel, Indiana.

It’s easy to get a cold for some, but for some … if you’re older, it can be very deadly. -Amanda Moran, 11, Los Angeles, CA.

How Lockdown Is Affecting

And even NBA players get infected, NBC is canceled and people’s schools are closed. -Charles Coleman, 6, Phoenix Building, PA.

very nice. It’s fun and you don’t have to go to school. -Lily Earling, 7, Cincinnati, Ohio.

My eyes definitely opened, including what I do every day. Suddenly, many children, many friends are gone. Until school runs out, we don’t know how wonderful it is. -Elsa Pena, 16, Miami, Florida.

It’s very hard because I usually hug and high-five. But we can’t do that because it’s the coronavirus season. -Alexandra Anderson, 8, Memphis, TN.

How you use your stay time

I’ve spent time playing outside. Then make the brownies and cakes. -Dawson Carpenter, 5, Carmel, Indiana.

I am bored at home and bored at home. -Caleb Morgan, 15 years old, Memphis, TN.

Future thoughts

We hope you remember that the situation in which we all are is not permanent. Eventually everything will be better. -Blake Davis, 12, Atlanta, Georgia.

I hope scientists and doctors can find this vaccine soon. Because I’m so tired to stay at home all day. -Chardae Coleman, 11, Phoenix Building, PA.

I think it will be a history project 20 years from now. -Kelsey Morgan, 15, Memphis, TN. Has a number of helpful resources that can help you better understand and protect against the coronavirus pandemic. Read the comprehensive guide (With information on how the virus spreads, precautions and symptoms), Experts see false myths, check out Data analysis of Indian cases,and Coronavirus page. get Live updates Our blog.

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