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COVID pandemic hits global HIV response

COVID pandemic hits global HIV response


Tampa, Florida — When opened in 1992, Metro Inclusive Health offered only one service, case management, to people living with HIV and AIDS. There have been many changes since then.

What you need to know

  • UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report investigates the impact of COVID-19 on the global HIV response
  • According to the report, there was a decrease in new patients starting new HIV diagnosis and treatment in 2020.
  • The report states that it has missed some of the goals of 2020 fighting to get rid of HIV. New goals set for 2025

“Today, this organization offers more than 100 services for the health and well-being of the community,” said Brian Bailey, Chief Marketing and Experience Officer.

While these services include HIV treatment, care and prevention, COVID-19 has hit the number of people coming to access these services.

“The reduction at the start of the pandemic was pretty important,” Bailey said.

The Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS) released a report on World AIDS Day last week. Overcome a pandemic by putting people at the center. He points out that the global disruption of services caused by the pandemic has led to a decline in HIV diagnosis. This is the area where Bailey said the metro also saw the impact.

“One of the biggest impacts on HIV services during a pandemic is access to testing. Obviously, in a pandemic, people are afraid to come in and be tested. We are in the middle of a pandemic. It’s important to remember that HIV is still very prevalent in the country and, in fact, is increasing in many parts of the country, including here in Tampa Bay. That’s what Bailey said. “HIV testing is really zero if you are being treated for HIV or if you can take precautions if you have people who are sexually active.

The number of people treated for HIV increased by $ 2.4 in the first half of this year, according to a UNAIDS report. This is down from a 4.8% increase in the first half of 2019. These numbers are on top of missing some milestones towards the group’s goal of ending AIDS by 2030. Missing the 2020 goal includes eradicating new HIV infections in children and ensuring access to combination prevention. It provides 90% of people with choice, eliminates gender inequality, and eliminates violence and discrimination against people living with HIV. The report sets new goals for 2025 to help the community get back on track, including focusing on high coverage of HIV services.

According to Bailey, Metro Inclusive Health is in the process of refurbishing and expanding an old German-American club on Nebraska Avenue, doubling its capacity and expanding its reach to the surrounding area. Located in the postal code area of ​​33605. According to the Metro, the region’s population is 62% Black / African American and 22% Hispanic, and new locations will make services more accessible to these communities.

Meanwhile, Bailey said Metro is trying to inform not only the amount of service it offers, but what has changed over the years.

“We are trying to tell patients that we are beyond the CDC guidelines and offer safe and effective options for undergoing tests, including home tests,” he said.

Bailey said it’s important to know that HIV is preventable and treatable, including new methods like PrEP.

“In fact, today, treatments and medications are helping HIV-positive people become” undetectable. ” This essentially means that the amount of virus in the blood is so low that it cannot be detected by a test. We are also significantly reducing the number of people we give to our partners. “

He also said that the test no longer involves long wait times. Patients were able to know their condition in minutes.


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