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Today’s lesson: “Who will get the coronavirus vaccine first?”

Today’s lesson: “Who will get the coronavirus vaccine first?”


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Recommended article: “Who will be vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine first?Abby Goodnough

A committee of experts advising the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued recommendations on who should be the first to receive a coronavirus vaccination in the United States.

In this lesson, students will learn about the subtle differences in distributing vaccines and the decisions the state is required to make when implementing the CDC recommendations. Students also work on ethics to determine who can be vaccinated and when.

teacher: If you are looking for a referral to the coronavirus vaccine, you can combine this lesson with today’s lesson.Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine: 11 Things You Need to Know.. “

Scientists have been competing for months to develop safe and effective vaccines that provide immunity to the coronavirus. The two companies, Pfizer and Moderna, appear to have nearly obtained vaccine approval.

These companies estimate that by January, sufficient vaccine doses will be available to administer to 22.5 million Americans. With over 300 million people in the United States, who should receive these first doses? Hospital worker? teacher? Resident of a care facility? People with diabetes, asthma or other risk factors? Police officer?

And who should wait?

Prisons are an example of highlighting the ethical dilemmas faced by policy makers. Some of the largest Covid-19 outbreaks occurred in national prisons. Federal officials have suggested that orthodontic staff raise the priority of coronavirus vaccines, but not the millions of vulnerable prisoners in US facilities.

Roni Carin Rabin writing:

They live in crowded situations and share bathrooms and dining facilities in places where social distance is not possible. They have a high incidence of asthma, diabetes and heart disease.

Many people suffer from mental illness. Disproportionate numbers are blacks and Hispanics who are members of the minority community that have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

So should prisoners and other detainees have priority access to one of the new Covid-19 vaccines?

What do you think? Should prison staff prioritize vaccination? How about the prisoners? What about inmates with certain health conditions that put them at greater risk?

Please read the article and then answer the following questions.

1.1. What is the relationship between an independent expert committee that advises the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC itself, and individual states when deciding how to distribute a vaccine?

2.2. Who recommends the CDC to be vaccinated first? What decisions does the state need to make regarding distribution within that group?

3.3. Who are the second and third groups that the CDC recommends vaccination? What do you think your state has priorities in deciding which sector of essential workers to vaccinate based on the industry in your area?

4.4. How do I need to store my Pfizer vaccine? How does it limit the extent to which the vaccine can be initially distributed?

5.5. When do federal officials estimate that people who are not in the priority group will receive the vaccine?

6.6. How many options do individuals have when it comes to vaccination or which vaccine to get?

The warm-up activity considered who should prioritize vaccination within the prison community. Now, after reading the article, think about who else should be prioritized to get the vaccine. Do we need to consider factors such as a person’s work responsibilities, health risks, living environment and identity?

To have this conversation with your classmates Big paper discussion, Either can be done Directly Or in fact In a small group.

The goal of big paper discussions is to silently read and interact with classmates’ ideas. You should read their words carefully and ask or comment on what they have to say to facilitate the conversation.

After a big paper discussion, you can have a class-wide discussion, reflect on your classmates’ ideas, and share new ideas.

Do you still have questions about how the vaccine will be distributed, or its safety and efficacy? In that case, please fill out the question in 25 words or less and submit it using the form below. If your question is selected, Times reporters and public health professionals will answer and Morning newsletter..

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