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According to Lancet’s study, blockade may only end when vaccine is found


Petaling Jaya: Lockdowns implemented worldwide to control the spread of Covid-19 can only be terminated when a vaccine against the disease is found, says a new study on the Chinese experience .

The Guardian reported that while active control over China’s everyday life ended the first wave of Covid-19, the dangers of the second wave were very real.

The study was published in the medical journal The Lancet.

“These control measures seem to have reduced the number of infections to very low levels, but there is no collective immunity to Covid-19, but companies, factories, and schools are slowly becoming more likely, especially given the increased risk. The case could easily recur, in order to resume and increase social mixing. Covid-19 continues to expand worldwide, and the number of cases imported from abroad ” Said Professor Joseph T Wu of Hong Kong University.

According to the study, China has pushed reproductive numbers or RO from 2 or 3 to less than 1, but if normal life resumes too soon, this number could increase again.

RO represents the number of people contaminated by the infected person.

“Control policies such as physical distance and behavioral changes are likely to be maintained for some time, but resumption of economic activity and keeping reproductive numbers below 1 until effective vaccines are widely available. A proactive balance between may be the best strategy, “said Wu.

Studies based on modeling epidemics in China have shown that mortality rates in mainland China are much lower, less than 1% compared to Hubei, specifically close to 6%.

It also depended on the economic prosperity of each state in relation to available healthcare.

“Even in the most prosperous and resource-rich megacities like Beijing and Shanghai, medical resources are limited and services struggle with spikes in demand.

“ Our findings show that there is ample staffing and resources in the local health system and that minimizing Covid-related deaths is important, ” said Gabriel M. Leng, senior author at Hong Kong University. I emphasize it. “

Studies have shown that if the infection rate were allowed to rise again, it would “possibly suffer both slightly higher health and economic losses,” even if severe measures were taken to reduce the number of cases.

From March 18, Malaysia enacted a Mobility Control Order (MCO), instructing people to stay at home, restricting movement strictly, and allowing only “essential” services.

The first phase of the MCO was scheduled to end on March 31, but has been extended to April 14.

Bernama has announced that the government will announce whether the MCO will be extended again on Friday (April 10).

According to data released by the National Security Council, Peninsular Malaysia currently has 20 red zones, and Selangor is the red zone with the highest number of 1,020 Covid-19 positive patients and more than 40 regions. -19.

As of Wednesday (April 8), a total of 4,119 Covid-19 cases have been detected in the country, with 65 deaths reported.


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