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Nutritionist Sheryl Salice says he trusts virgin coconut oil to strengthen the immune system


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Virgin coconut oil

Weak immunity makes you more susceptible to illness. Therefore, keeping the immune level high is the only way to prevent the disease and keep it relatively safe. In this regard, nutritionist Sheryl Salis suggests taking virgin coconut oil. “Despite the recent evolution of the superfood epidemic, virgin coconut oil is the oldest superfood trusted by all Indian households. Studies conducted have shown that coconut oil has countless health benefits Cold pressed virgin coconut oil is extracted from fresh and mature kernels of coconut using natural means or without heat treatment This extraction process preserves all the natural benefits of oils that help boost the immune system naturally in the long run, “says a nutritionist.

Virgin Coconut Oil Benefits

Important MCFAs in coconut oil are lauric, caprylic, and capric acids.

・ MCFA contained in coconut oil mainly destroys microorganisms and disrupts membranes, preventing virus assembly and maturation.

-Lauric acid and its monoglycerides contained in coconut oil are effective in removing various lipid-coated bacteria by decomposing lipid membranes.

-The function of monolaurin is an antivirus function that targets enveloped viruses (viruses in the protective layer of lipids and phospholipids). It kills the virus by dissolving the protective lipids surrounding it.

Studies show that monolaurin, among other viruses, significantly reduced the number of viruses in patients with HIV, herpes, measles and vesicular stomatitis

Cold pressed virgin coconut oil containing MCT (medium chain triglyceride fat) used in the liver as a cleanser. This fat is one of the healthiest saturated fats because it can be easily absorbed by the body.

How to include virgin coconut oil in your diet

・ Cooking with VCNO: Coconut oil has a high smoke point and can be used for everyday cooking. It can also be used for sauteing and baking desserts.

We recommend taking 2 spoons of virgin coconut oil daily to boost your immune system

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