Harris expects ‘weekly’ virus limit
Health minister Simon Harris anticipates that he will be advised tomorrow to maintain important restrictions to slow the spread of the coronavirus for weeks, after which Ireland needs to move to “ alternate terrain ”. Stated.
“What is likely to be tomorrow is that the National Public Health Emergency Team encourages you to keep very strict restrictions … I expect it to be a period of several weeks,” said Harris. He said.
“In connection with the roadmap, there is a point in this country where we have to live with the virus in search of better phrases, sadly people are still sick, sadly some people are still Will die, but at a rate that our doctors can manage. ”
The European Centers for Disease Control, on the other hand, warn that the continued spread of Covid-19 is very high, and the risks beyond the capabilities of the health system are still high.
This is despite the obvious progress in slowing the spread of coronaviruses, thanks to community-to-body distance measures, hand hygiene, cough etiquette and other measures.
In the past week alone, 150 people here have Covid-19 Number of intensive care It is increasing by 30 per day.
So far, 224 confirmed cases have been hospitalized in intensive care units, of which 62% are younger than 65 years.
145 people are still receiving intensive care, and 22 suspected infections but waiting for test results are also receiving intensive care on ventilators.
To date, 27 intensive care patients have died. It is on another 141 patients who died elsewhere in the ward.
Outside the hospital, including nursing homes, 67 people died.
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Currently, there are 235 deaths associated with Covid-19 in the country and 6,074 viruses have been identified.
In a new report, the ECDC states that the use of face masks in communities may serve as a way to reduce the spread of infection, and when visiting busy closed places such as supermarkets, shopping centers, or in public areas. Transportation that can be considered when using.
However, it states that the use of medical face masks by healthcare professionals must take precedence over community use.
The ECDC states that it is unclear how community use of masks, in addition to other measures, can contribute to reduced transmission.
ECDC points out that medical personnel need to prioritize their use as personal protective equipment, especially if there is a supply problem around medical face masks He said that the use of face masks could be considered.
He stated that the use of face masks in the community was based on “limited indirect evidence” that supported the use of non-medical face masks as a means of controlling the spread of Covid-19.
It should only be considered as a complementary measure, as an alternative to established precautionary measures such as physical distance, coughing, sneezing etiquette, hand hygiene, avoidance of contact with the face, nose, eyes and mouth He should not be considered.
To protect yourself from Covid-19:
- Allow 2 meters (6.5 feet) of space between you and others
- Avoid communal sleeping areas
- Avoid crowded places
- If possible, avoid shaking hands and close contact with others
If you just give someone, there is little risk. However, keep them at least 2 meters apart.
This advice is More detailed advice on that website together Health Service Executive website.
Additional Reporting Reuters
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