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According to the CDC, a mask is essential to prevent the spread of the coronavirus at home.


A CDC review of what works The use of masks, physical distance, crowd avoidance, and washing hands can all help control the spread of the virus, allowing children to return to school or work and resume. I have made it clear.

“Consistent and correct use of face masks is an important public health strategy to reduce respiratory infections with SARS-CoV-2, especially in light of estimates that about half of new infections are transmitted by asymptomatic individuals. Read the CDC summary guidance.

The CDC is gradually strengthening its recommendations regarding the use of masks. “Convincing evidence now confirms the benefits of cloth masks for both source control (to protect others) and, to a lesser extent, protection of the wearer,” said Dr. Margaret Honein of the CDC. , Dr. Henry Walk et al. Wrote.

According to the CDC team, masks work so well that certain communities should consider distributing masks.

“We need to develop a community-level plan for distributing face masks to specific groups, such as those who may experience access barriers,” the CDC team wrote in a weekly report of the authorities.

“The highest risk of infection among domestic contacts of Covid-19 patients has been documented, so to keep the home safe, use other public health strategies summarized here. They need to be physically separated to prevent the introduction and infection of SARS-CoV-2, “they added.

“To maintain N95 respiratory supply to healthcare professionals and other healthcare first responders, the CDC recommends non-valve multi-layer cloth masks or non-medical disposable masks for use in the community. “The team added.

Currently, most states need face masks to reduce the Covid-19 epidemic.These are not

“In the household, if a household member is infected or has recently been infected with Covid-19, a face mask should be used.”

Physical distance is also important.

“It’s difficult to break down the effects of physical distance from other interventions, but one study estimated that physical distance reduced the average number of contacts per day by as much as 74%,” they added. According to the CDC, it can prevent a consistent physical distance from spreading.

The CDC team states that restaurants and crowded events are especially dangerous.

“Exposure in non-essential indoor and crowded outdoor settings poses a preventable risk for all participants,” they write.

Updated CDC guidance acknowledges that coronavirus can spread in the air

“Indoor venues where distance is not maintained and face masks cannot be used consistently (such as dining in a restaurant) have been identified as particularly risky scenarios. Even crowded events in outdoor environments are SARS- It is related to the prevalence of CoV. -2, however, it can be difficult to isolate the effects of crowded outdoor events from the associated indoor social interactions. “

The team pointed out that screening for symptoms, such as temperature checks, is not very effective because more than 40% of people infected with the coronavirus are asymptomatic.

In addition, the test is not always certain because of the potential for false negatives. Therefore, people have to do everything. Wear a mask, stay away, ventilate the interior space as much as possible, and wash your hands frequently.

However, testing is important. According to the CDC team, this is especially true for people who interact frequently with others and are at high risk. This includes people and college students who work in dense environments.

For example, nursing home staff need to test frequently for themselves. This will prevent the virus from spreading to others.

You also need to get the results quickly so that you can determine if you have been infected. You should also warn your contacts to prevent the virus from spreading unknowingly.

“These actions provide a bridge to the future with wide availability of effective vaccines and high community coverage when it is possible to safely return to more routine activities in a variety of situations. “Masu,” the CDC team wrote.


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