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SC has reached its peak in new coronavirus cases. DHEC asks residents to wear masks and keep distance. | COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears

SC has reached its peak in new coronavirus cases.  DHEC asks residents to wear masks and keep distance. | COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears


South Carolina unveiled a record number of new coronavirus cases on Friday, blowing past the summer peak when experts wanted to mark the state’s worst day.

State health officials identified 2,470 new cases in a Friday report and disclosed the figures actually compiled on Thursday. According to records maintained by Post and Courier, Palmetto’s previous peak was July 18. The SC Health and Environmental Management Bureau counted 2,322 cases confirmed on that day, with an average of 1,902 cases over 7 days.

For months, the state saw less than 1,000 new cases most days. However, DHEC warns that penetration has been steadily increasing since October due to indoor gatherings, vacation trips and mask fatigue.

New cases, mortality, positive rates, hospital beds and ventilator use are all approaching or surpassing national spring and summer highs.

On Friday, DHEC issued a statement calling on South Carolina residents to stay home and wear masks, whether they feel sick or not.

“We are in full swing right now,” said a DHEC statement. “We know that South Carolina people can and will continue to get together and change course.”

DHEC estimates that about 4,500 people in South Carolina have died from the virus, and more than 226,000 have been positive since March.

More than 12,000 staff and residents of the care facility tested positive, of which 1,595 died. This is the biggest victim in total. An additional 4,519 cases have been linked to state-wide schools, with nearly 3,000 confirmed cases between state-wide correctional facility staff and prisoners.

State-wide figures

New case reported: 2,470, 1,463 percent higher than the 158 aggregated on March 31, the day Governor Henry McMaster ordered the closure of non-essential businesses.

Total number of SC cases: 210,995, and 15,018 possible cases

New reported deaths: 29

Total deaths in SC: 4,175 confirmed, 321 possible

Total test on SC: 2,805,516

hospitalized patient: 1,047

Percentage of positive tests, 7-day average: 18.3 percent. According to researchers, less than 5% of tests return a positive result, which is a good sign that the spread of the virus has slowed.

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The most hit area

The top county in South Carolina for new coronavirus cases reported on Friday was Greenville, 410. Spartanberg, 253; and Richland, 178.

How about the three counties?

There were 99 new cases in Charleston County. Berkeley, 44; and Dochester, 49.

Dead (number)

Of the 29 new deaths, 23 were patients over the age of 65. They lived in the counties of Aiken, Anderson, Charleston, Chester, Colleton, Dillon, Florence, Greenville, Lancaster, Lawrence, Lee, Newberry, Orangeburg, Pickens, Richland, Spartanberg, Samter and York. ..

Six patients aged 35-64 years also died. They lived in the Cherokee, Greenville, Holly, Lancaster, Lexington, Orangeburg, and Samter counties.


Of the 1,047 patients admitted with COVID-19 reported on Friday, 233 received intensive care and 104 were on ventilator.

What do experts say?

Authorities continue to urge South Carolina residents to take precautionary measures, such as wearing masks and other face coverings, increasing social distance, and frequent hand washing.

They also encourage anyone who believes they have been exposed to the virus or who has symptoms to be tested. DHEC advised that people in the community and those who cannot be socially separated should take a monthly test.

Move to To find a test site in your area.

Contact Sara Coello at 843-937-5705 and follow her on Twitter @ smlcoello.


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