The death toll from COVID-19 in Oregon is increasing, with vaccine waiting periods often being “months.”Coronavirus
Governor Kate Brown on Friday portrayed the dark future of Oregon if the COVID-19 pandemic went out of control in the months it took to vaccinate most people in the state.
“Our most difficult days are still ahead,” Brown said. “Oregon hospitals are full.”
According to Brown, Friday was the worst day of the crisis that hit Oregon 10 months ago.
The Oregon Department of Health has reported 30 deaths. This is the highest total for the day. 2,176 new infections also set daily records.
In Deschutes County, 129 new COVID-19 cases were reported on Friday. This is the most common case in a day since the pandemic began. Due to its sheer volume, county case investigation and contact tracking teams are unable to contact all residents who test positive for COVID-19 within 24 hours, county officials said.
The state has now passed a total of 80,000 cases and 1,000 deaths since February. These happen at the same time that the Bend authorities have asked the governor to reopen elementary school. The governor on Friday declined their request because of the growing community.
“The simple truth is that testing is not a silver bullet,” Governor Kate Brown said in her letter. “We can’t test how we get out of this pandemic. Schools are no exception. We challenge that returning children to the classroom improves their educational outcomes and their social and emotional well-being. No one is chanting.
“But if we want to reopen school and keep it open, we need to reduce the COVID-19 case rate to a safer level.”
in the meantime, Deschutes County Health Services works with community partners and school-based health centers to see if schools can perform regular asymptomatic tests. Deschutes County Health Service spokeswoman Morgan Emerson said.
Mosaic Medical, which operates a school-based clinic in Central Oregon, is preparing to accept vaccines when they arrive, said Richard Bennett, Chief Clinical Integration Officer at Mosaic Medical.
Oregon health officials said the current infection rate was 1.25, meaning that four infected people had spread COVID-19 to five uninfected people.
This rate means that by Christmas Eve there will be more than 2,000 new infections per day, including 75 severe cases requiring hospitalization.
Dr. Dean Sidelinger, a leading infectious disease expert in the state, said it would take another week to 10 days for Thanksgiving holidays to be found to have a complete impact on the COVID-19 epidemic.
However, the surge in Thanksgiving could push the infection rate to 1.5, with one in two COVID-19 infecting the other three.
Higher rates will push new cases to 2,700 per day and severe cases to 110 per day.
According to Sidelinger, infections increase exponentially when the general public does not wear masks, stays socially distant, meets outdoors, and limits the circle of people they meet during the upcoming Christmas holidays.
“It could exceed the capacity of the hospital,” Saidlinger said.
Brown and health officials have expressed cautious optimism about the news that the two vaccines are approaching federal approval.
Vaccines from Pfizer may arrive in the state as early as December 15, followed by vaccines developed by Moderna.
Oregon will receive approximately 267,400 doses by the end of the year. This is two doses sufficient to initiate immunization to an estimated 30,000 doctors, nurses, and healthcare staff in the state dealing with COVID-19 patients.
In Deschutes County, Summit Medical Group, St. Charles Health Center, and Mosaic are all ready to receive vaccines and refrigerate for distribution. This fall, the summit tested a drive-through influenza vaccination program to be used after the vaccine was distributed.
“We were aware of the size and infrastructure of the Summit that would enable us to become a community partner for the administration of vaccines, and we actively contacted them,” said the executive physician of the Summit Medical Group. Dr. Russell Massin said. “The general public is interested and enthusiastic about participating in the vaccination program. We are waiting for a call from the Oregon Department of Health.”
St. Charles said he was ready to accept the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine but was waiting for instructions from state health officials, said Dr. Jeff Absalon, Ph.D., chief physician of the St. Charles Health System.
“In the meantime, we have convened a vaccine workgroup that is beginning to address the legal and logistical requirements of being a vaccine provider, which includes understanding the management process, storage, inventory management, and receiving caregivers. It involves devising a prioritization plan. Vaccines. “
Rachel Banks, director of public health at OHA, said the efficacy rates of the first two vaccines were “almost unprecedented” at 95%. Influenza vaccines are usually less than 60% effective.
Banks said “safe and effective” vaccines would reach Oregons as quickly as possible through a “robust, comprehensive and impartial public distribution program.”
Allen said hope should be softened in reality. Bringing the vaccine to Oregon and inoculating all of the state’s more than 4.2 million inhabitants takes time and effort.
“It will be months,” he said.
“I know it’s exhausted and the sacrifice is real,” she said. “We need you to hold a little longer. Hope is on the way.”
Suzanne Roig contributed to this report.
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