Eight more COVIDs killed 19 in New Hampshire: updated
Concord, New Hampshire — Health officials reported another 782 new positive coronavirus test results on Friday, New Hampshire, based on scattered results over the past three days.
The total for Thursday’s day was 6,084 samples collected and 521 new positive test results based on previous polymerase chain reaction test result data updated from the previous day. Another 29 tests were first reported on Monday, confirmed on Thursday, 74 on Tuesday, and 158 on Wednesday. More test results from Thursday are still being processed, the State Joint Information Center said.
As a result, the total number of positive test results confirmed on Friday was 782, with a positive rate of 4.3%. The revised data also maximized the number of days reported on December 2 for 783 cases since the pandemic began.
Of the new cases, 96 are children, 52% are men, 247 live in Hillsborough County, a suburb of Nashua, 178 live in Rockingham County, 100 in Merrimack County, and 77 in Nashua. is.
The state is still investigating the residence of 26 patients.
Almost 31% of the state’s population has been tested with over 874,000 tests.
Approximately 9,550 people are under public health surveillance.
Eight more elderly people in New Hampshire have died due to or in connection with COVID-19.
The four men over the age of 60 were from Belknap County. The two women were from Hillsborough County. Another woman lives in Merrimack County and a man lives in Strafford County.
The state has died 552 people.
This graph shows the number of deaths by age as of December 4, 2020. Source: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.
From current kindergarten to high school, university case: 108
There are 108 active cases in schools and colleges from kindergarten to high school in New Hampshire.
Universities with a total of 529 recoveries have seven active cases, including four at UNH in Durham, one at Plymouth State University, one at Keene State University, and one at the University of New England.
Schools in the patch community have recently reported active cases. This includes one case each at Concord’s Millbrook Elementary School (with one new patient), Exeter High School (with new cases), Wyndham Middle School and Center School. Concord’s Trinity Christian School and Concord’s St. John Regional School each have a new case, Bedford’s Los A. Lulugio Middle School has one new case, and Londonderry High School has three active cases. Golden Brook Elementary School. Wyndham School has two active cases, Concord High School has three patients, and Concord Christian Academy and Brady High School each have new cases.
According to the state’s data dashboard, 715 school staff and students have recovered from the virus.
Dartmouth receives $ 2.4 million in COVID-19
A federal delegation from New Hampshire said about $ 2.4 million from the CARES Act to support Dartmouth College’s ongoing research aimed at strengthening the response of American healthcare providers to the COVID-19 pandemic. Announced that it has received the funds.
Specifically, with the Research Fund, the university has asked how the new coronavirus “has affected primary and patient care in the country, especially the adoption of new healthcare delivery methods such as telemedicine. Can be investigated to explain the changing effects of COVID. About healthcare providers and the patients they serve 19. ”
The results of the survey will be used to guide lawmakers and providers to work to enhance healthcare delivery during future pandemics.
Read again:
Stop the spread of COVID-19
The COVID-19 virus is spread by respiratory droplets, usually coughing and sneezing, and exposure to sick or potentially symptomatic individuals.
Health officials emphasize that residents must follow the following recommendations:
- Avoid traveling domestically and internationally, especially on public transport such as buses, trains and planes.
- Practice social distance. Stay at least 6 feet away from others, including keeping a distance while in the waiting area or line.
- If you can’t practice a 6-foot social distance, wear a face cover.
- Persons who have been told to self-quarantine and stay at home because they have been identified or exposed to a suspected case of COVID-19 should not stay at home and go out to public places.
- If you are over 60 years old, or if you are in chronic and underlying health, you should stay home without going out.
- Avoid gatherings of more than 10 people.
- Employers should work from home whenever possible.
- There is increasing evidence that the virus can survive on the surface for hours or even days. Frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, grocery carts, and grocery basket handles should be cleaned.
Take the same precautions as if you were ill.
- Stay home and avoid public places.
- Please wear a face cover.
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
Detailed information from The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services for Coronavirus can be found on the Department’s website...
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