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COVID-19 infections remain high in southern Utah, but doctors say they will help make masks mandatory – St George News

COVID-19 infections remain high in southern Utah, but doctors say they will help make masks mandatory – St George News
COVID-19 infections remain high in southern Utah, but doctors say they will help make masks mandatory – St George News



Photo Illustration | Photo courtesy of Adalhelma, PIXTA, St. George News

ST. George — In southern Utah, Friday had the third most pandemic of new infectious diseases, but one of Intermountain Healthcare’s key doctors said that Maskman Date, which was enacted almost a month ago, is still working. I said there is.

On December 4, 2020, the Test Utah site in Dixie Tech, St. George, Utah was lined with people and cars arriving at the reserved time to take the COVID-19 test.Photo by Chris Reed, St. George News

“”I don’t want to see where our numbers are without a mask,Dr. Eddie Stenehjem, Medical Director of Antibiotic Management at Intermountain Healthcare, said. “WWhen people are not wearing masks, e sees considerable communication at home. Not found in public places where people wear masks.

“People go home and do extracurricular activities with people outside the house without masks, where we see the infection,” Stenehjem added. “If you don’t wear a mask, the mask won’t work.”

Stenehjem quoted a new study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Maskmandate, Kansas. In Kansas, counties were allowed to opt out of mandates. According to the CDC, new infections decreased by 6% in counties that chose to require masks, while infections increased by 100% in counties that did not opt ​​out of masks.

“”It was this natural experiment that happened, “Stenehjem said. “Other interventions could not explain the changes there.

Dr. Eddie Stenehjem, Medical Director of Intermountain Healthcare’s Antibiotic Stewardship, seen during the Zoom Conference on December 4, 2020.Zoom screenshot, St. George News

According to the Utah Department of Health, there were 336 new infections in southern Utah on Friday. It was the third day of more than 300 new infections in the area. However, for the first time since Sunday, there were no new deaths from COVID-19 reported in the five county areas.

St. George has declined from the height of the previous day, but Utah’s population on Friday was 179, with less than 100,000 infections, twice as many as other cities.

On the hospital side, COVID-19 hospitalizations at the Dixie Regional Medical Center and other Intermountain Hospitals have been stable at record highs last week, with 40-60 locals receiving virus treatment daily. Stenehem said.

A diagram showing the 10 days with the highest number of coronavirus cases in southern Utah until December 4, 2020.Background photo
Mbz-photodesign, iStock / Getty Images Plus; Infographics by Chris Reed, St. George News | Click to enlarge

“It’s stable, but this isn’t the volume of hospitals we’re happy with,” Stenehjem said. “We are now in a sparse place, just waiting for the wave of this incident from Thanksgiving to hit us.”

New infections from Thanksgiving holidays are still about 3 days to appear in the numbers.

COVID-19 Information Resources

St. George News has made every effort to ensure that the information in this story is accurate at the time it was written. However, some data may have changed as the circumstances surrounding the coronavirus and science continue to evolve.

Check the following resources for the latest information and resources.

Number of coronaviruses in southern Utah (as of December 4, 2020, 7-day average in parentheses)

Positive COVID-19 test: 13,211 (247.4 new infections per day in 7 days, increased after December 3)

  • Washington County: 10,504 (192 per day, rising)
  • Iron County: 2,082 (45.6 per day, rising)
  • Kane County: 198 (5 times a day, rising)
  • Garfield County: 245 (1.1 per day, fall)
  • Beaver County: 182 (3.7 per day, rising)

New Infectious Diseases in Major Cities in Southern Utah (Numbers Announced Prior to Southern Utah):

  • St. George: 179 (falling)
  • Washington: 34 (Fall)
  • Hurricane / Rubberkin: 19 (Fall)
  • Ivins City / Santa Clara: 22 (Fall)
  • Cedar City: 53 (Fall)

Dead (number): 95 (1.1 per day, fall)

  • Washington County: 80
  • Iron County: 6
  • Garfield County: 6
  • Kane County: 1
  • Beaver County: 2

Hospitalization: 47 (falling)

Currently infected (number: 4,254 (rise)

recovery: 8,862

Current Utah 7-day average: 2,728 (rise)

Copyright St.George News, LLC, 2020, All rights reserved.

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