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First photo of a British vaccine freezer that keeps Pfizer jabs chilled at -70 ° C


These are the first pictures of the included ultra-low temperature freezer. Coronavirus Vaccine when the NHS is preparing to start taking jabs next week.

Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines have passed rigorous safety testing at record speeds, but must be stored in specialized facilities as they require storage at -70 ° C to -80 ° C. ..

Images of the British Public Health Service (PHE) taken in a safe place each show a row of freezers that can hold doses of 80,000 or more.

PHE states that it has 58 twin guard units across the UK, with a total of 5 million doses.

Specialized freezer stores vaccines at temperatures between -70 ° C and -80 ° C
(Image: PA)

The UK became the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer vaccine on Wednesday, ordering 40 million doses after last month’s results were 95% effective and tested with 43,000 people without safety concerns. It was.

Delivered to the recipient, Create a list of 10 groups, starting with long-term care facilities, NHS patients and staff, and people of vulnerable age groups With two jabs every three weeks until the larger population qualifies.

So far, three publish results at the speed of a process that falls into a wide range of sample groups available in the midst of pandemics, global efforts, and decisively the facts that scientific progress means. The composition of Covid-19, which is one of the vaccines, can be mapped very quickly.

Row of ultra-low temperature twin guard freezer
(Image: PA)

The government also ordered 100 million doses of 2 jabs of Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine, which is 70% effective, according to a study. This number will rise to 90% after further work.

Oxford vaccines do not require ultra-cold storage.

The country is also set to obtain 5 million doses of Modana vaccine, which shows that the study is 94.5% effective and is in the country by spring. It is administered in two jabs at 4-week intervals and requires only storage at -20 ° C.

Vaccines must be manually unpacked using the temperature data downloaded from each box
(Image: PA)

Government scientists believe vaccines immunize people 90 days.

In what is called “one of the biggest challenges NHS has ever faced,” we are ready to deploy the Pfizer vaccine. As early as Tuesday.

The NHS and PHE will adopt a trial-and-error national immunization program model, such as the model used for annual influenza immunization, to distribute doses nationwide.

Initial volume of The vaccine arrived in a safe place from Belgium earlier this week..

The Department of Health (DHSC) has used Pfizer’s in-transit temperature data for 12-24 hours to ensure that quality and integrity are maintained in transit after doses arrive. “Post-delivery quality assurance process” will be carried out.

The vaccine arrived in the UK earlier this week after it was approved for use on Wednesday.
(Image: Reuters)

There are 58 ultra-low temperature freezers in the UK
(Image: PA)

According to DHSC, boxes containing 5 packs of 975 doses must be manually opened and unpacked, and temperature data must be downloaded from each.

Packs can only be split at authorized facilities.

Once all these steps have been taken, you can start ordering at the 50 sites that are currently allowed to deliver jabs at doses that will be thawed and prepared over a period of hours.

Due to the complexity involved in transporting and storing doses, vaccines are first given from hospital facilities.

The DHSC said more than 1,000 local vaccination centers run by GP groups will soon be online, increasing as national doses increase.

“As we get more vaccines and can split larger packs, we will be able to make both larger vaccination centers and smaller arrangements through local pharmacies,” said DHSC. ..


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