Hyperglycemia associated with COVID-19 mortality risk; increased mortality from overdose in the United States may be associated with a pandemic
(Reuters)-The following is a summary of some of the latest scientific research on the new coronavirus and efforts to find cures and vaccines for the virus-induced disease COVID-19.
Hyperglycemia associated with COVID-19 risk in non-diabetic patients
According to a new study of 11,000 COVID-19 patients in Spain, hyperglycemia is a difficult course for COVID-19 patients seeking hospital care, even if they do not have diabetes. It can be a precursor. When they arrived at the hospital, no one was seriously ill. However, researchers have found that people who arrive with above-normal blood sugar levels are more likely to die there, whether they have diabetes or not. Overall, 20% of patients, including 16% of patients with blood glucose levels below 140 milligrams / deciliter during hospitalization, 34% of patients with levels 140-180 mg / dL, and 41% of patients with levels above 180. Died while in the hospital. mg / dL. (Levels above 200 mg / dL indicate diabetes.) After considering age and medical condition, patients at the highest level were 50% more likely to die in the hospital than patients at the lowest level. People with high blood sugar levels were also at increased risk of needing intensive care and mechanical ventilation. In a report published in the Annals of Medicine on Tuesday, researchers state that rapid control of blood glucose is essential in the management of patients admitted with COVID-19, whether or not they have diabetes. I will.
Pandemics may be driving an increase in deaths from overdose in the United States
According to researchers, the COVID-19 pandemic may be causing a surge in deaths from drug overdose in the United States. Between March and August, the number of cardiac arrests associated with overdose peaked at more than double the average over the last two years and remained 48.5% higher by the end of the study period, they said. Reported on Thursday at JAMAPsychiatry. The data comes from the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS), a registry of over 10,000 EMS agencies in 47 states. The increasing trend of cardiac arrest responded to the sharp decline in people’s mobility, suggesting that increased social isolation during a pandemic may have contributed to a fatal overdose condition. It was. Joseph Friedman, co-author of the University of California, Los Angeles, told Reuters that there are strategies that can help reduce mortality associated with drug overdose, even during a pandemic. “It’s especially important to remove the logistical and financial barriers to access to drugs like methadone and buprenorphine,” he said. “Making methadone dispensed by pharmacies and providing emergency funding to make these drugs affordable can make a big difference.”
There is still no good answer for decontaminating masks for reuse
A single method of decontaminating healthcare professional personal protective equipment (PPE) for reuse is not the best and can be avoided, according to a study published Thursday in the American Journal of Infection Control. If so, reuse is not recommended. The researchers analyzed 40 studies that tested different methods for sterilization of N95 masks and high-end filters. They included steam, hydrogen peroxide, UV light, microwaves, and electric cookers, among others. Disinfectants such as bleach, soap, water and alcohol have also been tested. Results depended on the mask model, manufacturer, and sterilization or disinfection process. In addition, according to Vanessa debrito Pobeda, co-author of the University of São Paulo in Brazil, most methods appeared to result in at least some structural damage or weakening of the mask’s filtration capacity. In addition to the disinfection or sterilization process, medical systems that reuse masks should consider the need for traceability if the same mask can be shared by different professionals. Controls the number of times each mask is reused. Trainers to inspect the integrity and function of the mask after regular wear, and cleaning methods to remove organic matter and stains (such as residual cosmetics). “The scientific evidence available to date does not support a secure process,” said de Brito Poveda, but she believes that automated methods are safer than manual methods. I have.
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Report by Nancy Rapid and David Douglas. Edited by Bill Berkrot
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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