Latest: Oregon document anti-mask comments draw stop
![Latest: Oregon document anti-mask comments draw stop Latest: Oregon document anti-mask comments draw stop](
By state order, healthcare professionals are required to wear masks in the medical setting.
This week, the Medical Commission resolved to immediately suspend La Tulippe’s license due to concerns about patient safety.
LaTulippe did not respond to requests for comment from KGW-TV and previously declined to comment.
— Most of California enters a radical new virus blockade
— China is preparing for large-scale deployment of coronavirus vaccine
— European battle surges in deaths from coronavirus in nursing homes
— Ethiopian conflict poses a humanitarian and viral crisis
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What else is happening:
ST. Lewis — The St. Louis Children’s Hospital has begun treating adult patients as regional hospitals struggle to keep up with the increase in coronavirus.
Dr. Maria Strand, Chief Medical Officer at SSM Health Cardinal Glenon Children’s Hospital, wants St. Louis Post-Dispatch to relieve some of the pressure from other hospitals treating adults who do not have COVID-19. Told. St. Louis Children’s Hospital is also open to adults.
Approximately 1,054 people were hospitalized for COVID-19 in the St. Louis area on Wednesday, of which 221 were hospitalized in the intensive care unit. Hospitals in the St. Louis area have approximately 82% inpatient bed capacity and 81% ICU bed capacity.
SSM Health and BJC Healthcare Children’s Hospital staff have also begun volunteering to work in other overwhelming hospitals.
Phoenix — Arizona health officials used a dull tone on Saturday as they reported 6,799 cases of coronavirus, the second highest daily increase since the start of the pandemic.
The Department of Health Services on Twitter says people should wear masks “around people who are not members of your family, even those you know and trust.”
Similarly, department director Dr. Cara Christ said that individuals “need to take precautions as if we could be infected. And we infect everyone around us. You have to act as if it were possible. “
For cases reported on Saturday, only the record 10,322 cases reported on Tuesday were followed. Officials said record-high included data delayed by the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. There were four daily reports of over 5,000 cases this week.
Hospitalizations for coronavirus increased to 2,931 on Friday, five times higher than in early October. Republican Governor Doug Ducey has not ordered a state-wide mask mandate or curfew.
The state reported 40 deaths on Saturday. In Arizona, there are a total of 358,900 cases and 6,935 deaths.
Rome-Italy has more than 21,000 cases of coronavirus daily, killing 662 people in the last 24 hours.
With 21,052 new cases, Italy’s total is close to 1.6 million. The confirmed death toll was 59,514, the second highest casualty in Europe after the British casualties.
This week, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed a decree restricting travel between regions from December 21st to January 6th. Conte wants to prevent vacations that can contribute to transmission.
Raleigh, NC — North Carolina reported a record increase in coronavirus and hospitalization cases on Saturday.
The state has reported 6,018 cases since Friday and 2,171 coronavirus-infected persons in hospitals. It has increased by 14 from the previous day.
“In less than a week, we’ve grown from more than 5,000 new cases reported daily to more than 6,000,” said Dr. Mandikoen, State Secretary of Health. “This is very worrisome. It shows that the virus is now more prevalent throughout the state.”
According to Cohen, North Carolina has a record number of intensive care units. An additional 49 people have died, bringing the total confirmed to 5,516, the Department of Health said.
Oklahoma City — There were 4,370 new cases of coronavirus reported in Oklahoma on Saturday.
The moving average of cases increased from 2,843 per day on 20 November to 3,044 on Friday. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the daily average of deaths during the same period increased from 15 to 22 per day.
According to Dr. Dale Bratzler of the University of Oklahoma Medical Center, this increase is primarily due to community expansion. “It’s usually a place like a restaurant, bar, gym, place of worship,” he says.
There are a total of 213,245 confirmed cases in Oklahoma. An additional 14 deaths were reported on Saturday, for a total of 1,874 confirmed deaths.
Boise, Idaho — The National Guard is commanding people outside the Boise Emergency Medical Clinic, which has been converted into a facility for coronavirus patients.
Health officials say Idaho’s attempts to control the coronavirus have failed due to the surge in infections and deaths. They discontinued selective surgery to save bed space.
At the Primary Health Medical Group clinic, doctor’s assistant Nicole Thomas takes turns working 12 hours. She wears protective equipment to inspect 36 symptomatic patients daily. One day, she says, the coronavirus test is half positive.
With many citizens resisting pandemic restrictions, overworked staff are sick or quit to avoid stress. It will take at least 2 days to schedule a test. Primary health officials have stated that by December 30, three more facilities will be converted to COVID-19 clinics.
In Idaho, more than 1,000 people have died of the coronavirus. Over 100,000 confirmed infections.
Detroit-Michigan health officials reported more than 8,600 confirmed cases and 81 deaths daily on Friday.
“Looking at daily deaths, the number of daily deaths has doubled again nationally and regionally in the last two weeks,” said Henry Ford Health System Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer. Dr. Adnan Munkala is Detroit.
He is worried about the possibility of vacation trips and family gatherings.
According to Munkarah, the healthcare system currently has 576 employees. This is because the test is positive, the test is pending, or it is quarantined for close contact.
He says that number has increased by nearly 200 since a week ago.
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