CWD samples are still only one-third of the deer harvested at DSA
Berlin-It’s raining on Monday, November 30th at 4:15 pm. No hunters are visible in the drop-off box in the deer surveillance area for chronic wasting samples in the Berlin Township Garage.
Indeed, it’s a disastrous day, and total harvests are declining on the first day of the 2020 Ohio deer gun season. However, a hunter who killed a deer in Berlin Township, or in any of the six surrounding DSA townships in Holmes and Tuscarawas counties, submits a sample of the deer so that it can be tested to see if CWD has spread to is needed. The number of wild deer.
Samples will be submitted to specially designed self-service dropboxes used in three locations this year to help hunters fulfill their legitimate obligations during this time of the coronavirus pandemic. became.
It was pretty much the same until the middle of the third day of the deer gun season, as only 33 hunters dropped the sample.
“No, I wasn’t interested in the low numbers, because I knew Monday was clumsy and the number on the first day was reduced by 50%,” said Jeff Westerfield, a biologist in the wildlife sector. Then, despite the snow on Tuesday, the wind barked and the deer weren’t moving. “
However, as with changing weather, the number of hunters who drop deer heads for CWD sampling improved dramatically at the end of Wednesday and Thursday. Westerfield, an employee of the Wildlife Division who plans to collect deer heads from three drop-off boxes on Thursday, realized that he needed more space behind the pickup truck.
“Most of the time, hunters are good at doing the right thing,” Westfield said when asked about the sixth year of CWD testing in parts of Holmes and Tuscarawas counties. “Some hunters are reluctant, others aren’t doing it at all. I think the box was full on Thursday because the guys were holding a deer (head). . “
Westerfield collected 45 samples in a Thursday afternoon run, for a total of 78. In the Berlin Township garage, there were no samples dropped on Monday or Tuesday, three on Wednesday and three on Thursday.
In the Walnut Creek Township garage, there were 6 samples left on Monday and Tuesday, 10 on Wednesday, and 20 on Thursday. At the Sugar Creek drop-off location, there were no samples on Monday, five on Tuesday, three on Wednesday, and 22 on Thursday.
But that’s only one-third of the deer harvested in DSA Township by Wednesday.
“The automated check system made it very easy to recall the data and listed that 245 hunters harvested deer in the DSA Township,” Westerfield said. “Obviously, we need 100% compliance …. we’ll see what’s coming in the rest of the week.”
When CWD was discovered at a captive deer facility in Holmes County in 2014 and 2018, the Wildlife Service set up a three-year deer surveillance area within a 6-mile radius of the infected enclosure and harvested in wild populations. All the white-tailed deer had to be inspected. This is currently the sixth and final year of a Holmes County captive pen-positive DSA, but last year a deer farm in Wayne County tested positive for the disease. It’s unclear if the Wildlife Service will enact a DSA for its positives in the Apple Creek area.
“We’ve been sampling for six years and its importance hasn’t changed,” Westerfield said. “I also found a workaround to get a sample on COVID-19.
“And this is the second year of taxidermist sampling of the entire state. It’s working very well. We’re getting great shotgun patterns across the state.”
These samples from taxidermists are primarily mature dollars and take a long time to develop the disease, which is especially important in determining if CWD has invaded the wild deer population in Ohio. ..
“For CWD testing, we have a point system for deer,” Westerfield said. “Adult Bucks is worth 3 points, 1 year old Bucks is worth 1 point. Bucks are very sociable, licking branches, fighting other Bucks, sniffing scratches, moving around and CWD You are most likely to pick up. “
Westerfield said the hunters who submitted the deer for testing also benefited from additional steps that other hunters around Ohio did not need to take. They get a free deer CWD test.
To date, no deer population in Ohio’s wild deer has been tested positive for CWD.
You can contact the outdoor correspondent ArtHolden at letsplabal @
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