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Deaths at Coronavirus Hospital in the UK have increased by 225 prior to the launch of the vaccine

Deaths at Coronavirus Hospital in the UK have increased by 225 prior to the launch of the vaccine


Health officials confirmed that Covid-19 lost another 225 lives in a British hospital.

This figure kills 195 in England, 5 in Scotland, 14 in Wales and 11 in Northern Ireland.

Numbers released yesterday by the Ministry of Health revealed that 14,556 patients were hospitalized for the virus.

A week ago, 229 hospital deaths were confirmed.

The people who died in the United Kingdom were between the ages of 27 and 100, and all but two were in underlying health.

The death toll in Midlands was the highest at 62.

The death toll of Covid-19 in the UK continues to grow (file image)
(Image: Andrew Teebay / Liverpool Echo)

The NHS England has confirmed where the latest deaths were reported.

  • East of England-5
  • London-13
  • Midlands-62
  • Northeast & Yorkshire-54
  • Northwest-37
  • Southeast – 16
  • Southwest-8

British official Coronavirus The death toll last night was 61,014 after 397 were reported in all situations.

A week ago, 229 people were confirmed dead in a British hospital, but a month ago, on November 6, there were 270.

It comes because the UK is set to launch the largest vaccination program in the history of the country.

Dr. June Rain, Chief Executive Officer of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which approved the Pfizer / BioNTech jab, said there should be “true confidence” in the rigor of approval.

Vaccinations will begin Tuesday at dozens of hospital hubs. People over the age of 80, caregiver workers, and high-risk NHS workers receive jabs first.

Vaccine distribution throughout the UK is carried out by the UK Public Health Service and NHS in the UK, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland through a system specially adapted from the system used for national vaccination programs. ..

Dr. June Rain said the vaccine went through an aggressive approval process
(Image: Pippa Fowles / 10 Downing Street)

The number of people who test positive for coronavirus is gradually decreasing
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

The NHS England said staff are preparing for the launch throughout the weekend.

Asked at the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show about how important the public health message is to ensure that people are actually vaccinated, Dr. Rain said:

“And I really want to emphasize that scrutiny, safety, the highest standards of effectiveness and quality, international standards are met.

“Therefore, we should be truly confident in the rigor of our approval.

“Beyond that, our Human Medical Commission is also scrutinizing all the data, so there is no doubt that this is a very safe and highly effective vaccine.

“It will help us turn the corner. There really isn’t one of us unaffected by this pandemic, and our organization, like everything else, defeats this terrible illness. We are completely focused on doing our job so that we can help. “


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