Vitamin D is essential for immune health-make sure you get enough
As Coronavirus pandemic Keep growing Shutdown, quarantine And Avoid crowds Measures-Many people are thinking about ways to keep themselves well. You know its social distance, Telecommuting One way to protect yourself is generally to stay inside, but what else can you do?
Strengthening the immune system is one of the best you can do. It is an important defense of your body When it comes to fighting viruses. Even if exposed to the virus, Coronavirus Or others, if your immune system is strong, you have a better chance Do not get sick. Vitamin C is a popular choice for supporting immunity, but another important nutrient in the immune system is vitamin D. After being considered a powerful bone vitamin, vitamin D actually does more work for the body, including supporting the immune system.
Research suggests that vitamin D can help Prevent respiratory infections Or Reduce severity Those, especially if you are missing. While they are jurying on how accurately it can protect you from coronavirus, some health professionals Taking vitamin D supplements To help boost your immune system.
Lower Doctor Yashil Tolentino Parsley health Los Angeles explains how vitamin D works, how to consume it enough, what happens when a deficiency occurs, and whether it helps protect the immune system .
Why is vitamin D important?
Vitamin D is unique because it is one of only two vitamins that the body can produce on its own (the other is vitamin K) and is also available from other sources such as food and supplements. Technically, it is also a hormone that regulates the amount of calcium in the blood. Unlike other vitamins, it requires conversion in the liver and kidneys to make it an active hormone. “Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that our bodies use to absorb and maintain healthy calcium and phosphorus levels needed for bone growth and maintenance,” says Trentino.
You may have heard that vitamin D is important for bone, but it supports your body in other ways. “We generally associate vitamin D with musculoskeletal health, but in fact there are several functions in the body, including the role it plays Reduce inflammation“Trentino says.
Vitamin D and immune health
Studies show that vitamin D plays an important role in immune function and that vitamin D deficiency Increase susceptibility to infection. “A few Research shows Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to an increased risk of self-reported upper respiratory tract infections, says Tolentino. Calcidiol [a form of vitamin D] Associated It is more susceptible to infections such as tuberculosis, influenza and viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, “said Trentino.
One of the main features of Vitamin D is to help activate T cells, Also known as the killer cell. T cells actually detect and destroy foreign pathogens, such as viruses. “That makes vitamin D especially important to maintain a functioning immune system that can fight foreign pathogens,” says Trentino.
It is important to know, Coronavirus Affects the respiratory system, but researchers and physicians know little about it at this time. The best way to reduce the risk of getting a coronavirus is to follow the guidelines of the CDC and WHO, as stated by local authorities, and to be as healthful as possible as a whole. Vitamin D is known to help the immune system and promises to protect you from various types of diseases.
How to get enough vitamin D
As of 2014, experts 1 billion Vitamin D deficiency or deficiency worldwide has become one of the most common vitamin deficiencies. If you think you are deficient in vitamin D, ask your doctor for a test. This ensures that you are supplementing the appropriate level if needed. Always consult your doctor before starting a new supplement.
Vitamin D recommendations 600-800 IU for adultsHowever, that number is controversial among the scientific and medical communities.
There are three ways to get vitamin D. Ingested through food (as some foods occur naturally), from direct sunlight on the skin, and using supplements.
Food sources of vitamin D
“Vitamin D naturally occurs in fatty fish such as egg yolks, beef liver, salmon, tuna, swordfish, and sardines, and fish liver oil. Unfortunately, vitamin D is not naturally present in many foods, Some foods are supplemented with vitamin D. Vitamin D is added to cereals, dairy products, vegetable milk and orange juice, “says Trentino.
Although you can get vitamin D from foods, most foods have very low levels of vitamin D, making it difficult to get enough. “It’s not easy to get the vitamin D you recommend daily from food. It’s not that we eat most of these foods in large quantities. In fact, how much cow liver and sardines do we get every day? Are you eating? “Says Trentino.
Sun exposure and vitamin D
Vitamin D is associated with the sun for some reason. If your skin is exposed to the sun for a period of time, your body may produce its own vitamin D. about 15 minutes sun exposure According to Tolentino, many experts per day say that it is enough to make vitamin D because it inhibits the production of vitamin D. This means that clothing and sunscreen (such as arms and legs) cover a sufficient amount of skin.
How much sun you get is a bit complicated. “UVB radiation from the sun causes vitamin D synthesis in our bodies, but there are many factors to consider here,” says Tolentino
She continues, “The place where you live (your geographical location), the use and coverage of sunscreen, and the amount of melanin in the skin all affect vitamin D absorption. Providing general guidelines makes it really difficult. Hit the sun. Sufficient or healthy time in the sun without sunscreen for some may not be wise for others. “
Vitamin D supplement
Because it is difficult to get enough vitamin D from food and you can spend most of your time indoors, many people need to replenish to get enough vitamin D.
“Vitamin D supplementation may be the most practical solution for many, especially if you live in the northern half of the country (latitudes greater than 37 degrees north), but adventures in the sun for extended periods of time You are advised not to–especially if you do not have sunscreen due to the risk of skin cancer or have a diet that lacks the above foods, “said Trentino.
Vitamin D is found in various types of supplements, including multivitamin and vitamin D capsules. “Vitamin D supplements are generally offered in two forms: D3 and D2. D2 is a plant-derived form, a form commonly found in fortified foods. D3 is a natural form of our body. Is a form of vitamin D that is found in animal sources, “said Tolentino.
Tolentino prefers D3 Vitamin K2Because, she states that K2 works synergistically with D3. “Research suggests Its vitamin D3-a naturally occurring form of vitamin D- in the human body, tends to further increase blood levels and maintain those levels for extended periods of time. She also says that liquid vitamin D, in the form of a tincture containing fat (such as coconut oil or MCT), can be taken under the tongue so that liquid supplements are absorbed faster. Vitamin D is fat-soluble and is effective when taken with fat sources Helps the body absorb it betterAlso.
What happens if vitamin D is deficient
Vitamin D deficiency means that the immune system is more vulnerable, but there are some other important conditions to be aware of.
“Severe vitamin D deficiency rickets In children, and Osteomalacia In adults. Osteomalacia is the softening and weakening of bones, and symptoms include pain in joints and bones, weakness, difficulty walking, and easily fractured bones, “said Trentino.
Another relationship that scientists are studying is the link between mood disorders and vitamin D deficiency. Many studies have specifically considered the risk of depression, in this way It has found a link between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of depression in the elderly. In another studyAdults with depression have been supplemented with vitamin D, many of which have helped improve their symptoms.
Too many good things: overdose of vitamin D
It is important to Do not overdo vitamin D supplements Ingesting unsafe amounts can negatively affect your health, including kidney problems and kidney stones, HypercalcemiaToxic condition, where there is too much calcium in the blood. Typically, Over 4,000 IU per day I think too much.
For this reason, it is important to consult your doctor and ask for a test before taking the supplement. If you think you’re in the right amount of sunshine, eat foods that contain vitamin D regularly, and your levels are healthy, your doctor will tell you that you don’t need anything extra.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health care provider if you have questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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