Are you confused about the COVID-19 vaccine?Here is your guide to the vaccine vocabulary
Experts have said that for months: the fastest way to end this pandemic is with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Now most of the first ones are here and everyone is talking about them. From time to time, it sounds like people are speaking a foreign language. But don’t worry. With the help of this handy glossary, you can follow without any problems.
What is the difference between vaccination and vaccination? Regular immunity and herd immunity? Clinical trials and challenge exams? Read about all the vaccine vocabulary you need to know.
A type of virus in which spike-shaped proteins resembling a crown are studded on the outer surface. The specific coronavirus responsible for this pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, probably surged from animals to humans in late 2019.
COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears
Respiratory illness that may result from SARS-CoV-2 infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 40% of infections do not cause symptoms.
A substance that encourages the body’s immune system to recognize certain pathogens (such as viruses) and create antibodies that destroy them. That way, you’ll be ready to fight the real thing if you get infected later.
Vaccine candidate
Experimental vaccine still under test.
The process of administering a vaccine to the body. This is usually done by injection, but some vaccines can be swallowed or given as nasal drops.
Although more or less synonymous with vaccination, it can also explain other ways to induce immunity to the disease, such as early ways to combat the spread of smallpox.
The process of immunizing someone with a disease. This is the goal of vaccination.
The body’s ability to fight off infections, often with the help of antibodies. In adaptive immunity, antibodies are produced by exposure to pathogens or vaccines. In passive immunity, people receive antibodies from another source rather than making them themselves. Active immunity is more permanent than passive immunity.
Herd immunity
When a sufficient number of people in the population develop immunity to the disease and it becomes difficult for it to spread. In the case of COVID-19, scientists estimate that about 70% of the population needs to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.
Vaccine efficacy
A measure of how well a vaccine works. A 90% effectiveness of the vaccine means that those who have been vaccinated are 90% less likely to get sick than those who have not.
Clinical trial
A method of testing the effectiveness of a vaccine by comparing the health status of those who are taking the vaccine with those who are taking placebo or quackery. Researchers also use clinical trials to see if vaccines (or other types of drugs) cause problematic side effects.
Human Challenge Trial
A type of clinical trial of a vaccine in which research volunteers are intentionally exposed to a virus or other infectious organism. While these trials can produce faster results, the COVID-19 vaccine is controversial because there is no guarantee that sick volunteers will be cured.
An ingredient that is sometimes used in vaccines, it enhances the effectiveness of the vaccine by boosting the body’s immune response.
Side effects
A fancy term for unwanted, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous side effects. The risks posed by these side effects are weighed against the benefits of drugs, in this case vaccines.
Emergency use permission
This is a faster way for the US Food and Drug Administration to evaluate new or reused medical products in public health emergencies. Vaccines and medicines are still subject to review, but are less comprehensive than the general FDA approval process. Approval is revoked at the end of a health emergency.
Booster injection
An additional dose of vaccine that stimulates immunity after the effects of the previous dose have disappeared. It is not yet clear if a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine is needed.
A measure of vaccine strength. Efficacy may decrease over time.
Vaccine repellent
If someone delays vaccination or refuses vaccination altogether. This may be due to a skeptical view of the need. Lack of trust in the vaccine itself or the healthcare professionals who administer it. Or if you find it too inconvenient to get.
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