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103-year-old Ada Zanusso from Italy says “courage, faith” helped defeat coronavirus


ROME-Ada Zanusso recommends courage and religion to recover from coronavirus. Courage and religion are the same qualities that have contributed to her for nearly 104 years.

Italy, along with neighboring France, boasts the largest population in Europe, called the “super-elderly.” At least 100 people. As the country with the highest number of deaths in COVID-19, Italy is an old survivor for its super inspiration.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Zanusso said on Tuesday during a video call with the AP with the senior AP at Maria Grazia’s residence in Lessona, a town in northern Piedmont. “I watch TV and read newspapers.”

Zanusso wore a protective mask and also a 35-year-old physician, Carla Fano Marchese. Carla Fano Marcheze also wore glasses and a gown over her head.

Zanusso asked about her illness is modest: “I had a little fever”

Her doctor said Zanusso had been sleeping for a week.

“ We hydrated her because she wasn’t eating, and then thought that she wasn’t going to make it because she was always sleepy and unresponsive, ” said Furno Marchese. Said.

“One day she opened her eyes again and resumed her work as before,” said Furno Marchese. The doctor remembered when Zanusso was able to get up, and then managed to get up from bed.

What helped her get over the disease? “Courage and strength, faith,” Zanusso said. Since it worked for her, she also advises others who have become ill to “courage and have faith.”

Related: More than 300,000 people worldwide recover from coronavirus

COVID-19 can cause mild or moderate symptoms, and most infected people recover. However, older people and people with existing health problems may be at higher risk for more serious illness.

The virus kills nearly 18,000 people in Italy and more than 88,000 people worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, 95% of people who died in Europe were over 60 years old.

Under a five-week blockade in Italy aimed at stopping the spread of infectious diseases that overwhelmed hospitals, visitors cannot access elderly homes.

Her doctor asked Zanusso, “What do she want when they open the door?”

“I want a nice walk,” she replied. And what about your three grandchildren? “Watch them play together.”

With deaths, hospitalizations and new infections flat in Italy, Giuseppe Conte Premier will soon announce how long the blockade will continue, hoping that some restrictions will be relaxed.

So far, Zanusso has been isolated from other residents while waiting for a follow-up swab test to confirm that she is negative for the virus.

She grew up in Treviso in northeastern Veneto and has worked in the textile industry for many years. Zanusso, who turns 104 on August 16, has four children, three of whom are alive. There are four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

“She is old but healthy and has no chronic illness,” her doctor said.

This week, the Milan newspaper Corriere della Sera devoted the entire page to a story about an ultra-old survivor called “Healing at 100.” Inspiring portraits contrast with the news of numerous deaths among the elderly living in Italian nursing homes and other welfare facilities.

Of the victims, most elderly who died in nursing homes were not tested for COVID-19, so their numbers are not reflected in Italy’s overall coronavirus deaths. Is the highest

The medical staff was “very hard,” said doctor Furno Marseze. “It was very urgent that so many people were sick, so it was not only me who saw good results, but also those who worked hard non-stop here.”

Outside the non-profit 61-bed Maria Grazia Residence, the Italian flag is flying with half staff in honor of those who have died from the virus.

Copyright © 2020 The Associated Press. all rights reserved.


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