Britain prepares first shot of war at COVID-19
London (AP) — Called “V-Day” in Britain — recalls the D-Day landing in France, which marked the beginning of the last push to defeat Nazi Germany in World War II.
A week after the UK became the first Western country to approve widespread use of the vaccine against COVID-19, the UK is preparing to administer its first shot in the fight against the virus on Tuesday.
These 800,000 doses are initially given to people over the age of 80 who are hospitalized or already scheduled for outpatient appointments and nursing home workers.
In other words, the National Health Service is effectively telling the waiting public: don’t call us, we’ll call you. Only those who have been asked to arrange a reservation by the NHS will receive the jab.
Most people have to wait until next year before they have enough vaccines to expand their program.
“The reality is … for the vast majority of people, this happens in January, February, and March, so I don’t think people should expect anything in the next few days,” said CEO Chris. Hopson says. NHS provider. “And one of the things I don’t want people to worry about or worry about is,” Where is my letter? ” During December. “
Public health officials around the world are deploying the UK in preparation for the unprecedented challenge of rapidly immunizing billions of people to end a pandemic that has killed more than 1.5 million people worldwide. I’m watching. The UK has a well-developed infrastructure for delivering vaccines, but not for the entire population, but for vaccination groups such as school children and pregnant women.
Read more: Britain defends vaccine decision in criticism that it is moving too fast
The UK is off to a good start on the project after UK regulators granted an emergency permit to vaccines manufactured by US pharmaceutical company Pfizer and German BioNTech on December 2. US and European Union authorities are also considering vaccines, along with rival products developed by US biotechnology company Moderna and a collaboration between Oxford University and pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca.
On Saturday, Russia began vaccination of thousands of doctors, teachers and others with the Sputnik V vaccine at dozens of centers in Moscow. The view of the program is different as Russia approved the use of Sputnik V after being tested by just a few dozen people last summer.
However, in the UK, where there are more than 61,000 COVID-19-related deaths, vaccines cannot arrive immediately. This is more reported in Europe than in any other country. There are more than 1.7 million cases in the UK.
The first shipment of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was delivered to a selected group of UK hospitals on Sunday.
800,000 doses are only a fraction of the required amount. The government targets more than 25 million people, or about 40% of the population, in the first phase of the vaccination program, giving top priority to those at highest risk of the disease.
After working as a caregiver over the age of 80, the program will be expanded as supply increases, and vaccines will be provided by the oldest, roughly based on age group.
Buckingham Palace commented on reports that Queen Elizabeth II, 94, and her 99-year-old husband, Prince Phillip, have been vaccinated and actions will be published to show that there is nothing to fear from the jab. I refused to do it.
“Our goal is to fully protect all members of the population, and of course His Majesty,” Dr. June Rain, Chief Executive Officer of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency in the United Kingdom, told the BBC on Sunday. It was.
In the UK, the first wave of the program will provide vaccines to 50 hospital hubs, and as deployment progresses, more hospitals are expected to provide vaccines. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have their own plans under the UK’s delegated administrative system.
Due to the Cold War, logistics issues have delayed the rapid deployment of Pfizer vaccines. Vaccines should be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit).
Professor Stephen Powis, medical director of NHS England, said the vaccination program will be a “marathon, not a sprint.”
Authorities are also focusing on large distribution points because each package of vaccine contains 975 doses, none of which is to be wasted.
The UK has agreed to purchase millions of doses from seven different producers. Governments around the world have reached agreement with multiple developers to ensure that the delivery of products that are ultimately widely approved for use is fixed.
Dozens of military personnel are helping build a vaccination center in the UK in preparation for what Health Minister Matt Hancock called “V-Day.”
His mention reminded me of Britain’s World War II efforts and patriotic charms such as Winston Churchill’s “V for Victory” hand gestures.
“This is, frankly, a day to remember in a year to forget,” Hancock said using Churchill-style rhetoric after vaccination approval last week.
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