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Covid-19 Vaccine: First British Citizen Receives Shot, a Breakthrough Moment in a Pandemic

Covid-19 Vaccine: First British Citizen Receives Shot, a Breakthrough Moment in a Pandemic
Covid-19 Vaccine: First British Citizen Receives Shot, a Breakthrough Moment in a Pandemic


The first Englishman to get Pfizer / BioNTech Vaccine -90-year-old Margaret Keenan-received the first of two doses at the University Hospital in Coventry on Tuesday at 6:31 am local time. It’s been less than a week since the UK became the first country to approve.

Keenan, who will turn 91 next week, said he felt that the first shot was “privilege.”

“This is the best early birthday gift I can hope for, as I’m finally looking forward to spending the New Year with my family and friends after spending most of the year alone,” she said in a statement. Said. Released by the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS).

William Shakespeare, 81, known to his friends as Bill, was the second person to receive the Covid-19 vaccine at a university hospital in Coventry on Tuesday. Shakespeare, a patient in the hospital’s Frail ward, sat with his grandson’s artwork nearby when he received the jab.

In London, George Dier became one of the first people to get a jab at Croydon Health Services in the capital, and nurse Joanna Sloan was the first vaccinated person in Northern Ireland.

TheĀ· Logistic challenges The ongoing production and distribution of tens of millions of vaccines represents a gradual development with the most vulnerable people and healthcare professionals first.

May Parsons, the nurse who administered the first jab, said it was an honor to participate in the program. “The last few months have been tough for all of us working at the NHS, but now it feels like there’s light at the end of the tunnel,” she said.

A nurse administers the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine to Margaret Keenan, 90 years old.

The UK has ordered 40 million doses of vaccine, but only 800,000 are available as part of the first wave that began on Tuesday.

The UK will give enough injections to vaccinate about one-third of the country’s population, as the vaccine should be given twice at least every three weeks. The country has also ordered 7 million doses of Moderna vaccine, which may be approved for emergency use in the UK within the next few weeks.

There are 50 vaccination hubs in hospitals across the UK and dozens more in Wales and Scotland. In the UK, the first wave of vaccination takes place only in hospitals. Wales and Scotland have not yet identified the type of place where the vaccine will be given.

Keenan and others You should return to the second dose after 3-4 weeks. According to government guidance, each vaccinated person Credit card size vaccination documents With details of their next appointment. Seven to ten days after the second dose, she should be protected from the virus.
William Shakespeare, 81, will receive the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine at a university hospital in Coventry, England, on Tuesday.

British Health Minister Matt Hancock called the launch of the vaccination program “a big moment of scientific effort” on Tuesday, and the vaccine “can begin to heal the disease around the world and protect people around the world. “.

In an interview with Sky News on Tuesday morning, Hancock still has “a huge amount of work to do,” but if enough people have been vaccinated by then, Corona in the UK in the spring. He said he might be able to lift the virus restrictions. He urged the public to “hold our nerves, stick with us, and obey the rules.”

The UK vaccination program started in the Big Bang on Tuesday, but the vaccine remains off limits to the majority of people.

Currently, only people over the age of 80, long-term care staff, and front-line health care workers are invited to use it. Nursing care residents were also expected to be prioritized, but the government said last week that this would not happen soon.

Hours of flu-like symptoms? & # 39; Absolutely & # 39; Worth it for this woman who was participating in the Covid-19 vaccine trial

The NHS said in a statement Tuesday that if more vaccine supplies became available, vaccine centers would be set up in venues, including sports and conference centers, to treat large numbers of patients.

Hari Shukla, 87, from Tyne and Wear in northeastern England, will be one of the first vaccinated people at a Newcastle hospital late Tuesday. Prior to the jab, he thanked the UK National Health Service for his work through the pandemic, saying that the staff “has a golden heart.”

“I’m very happy to have the end of this pandemic. I’m happy to be able to do even a little with vaccination. I feel it’s my duty to do as much as I can. Please, “says Shukla. With an NHS statement.

Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines are difficult to distribute as they must be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit). Modern vaccineIf approved, it can be kept at -20 degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Fahrenheit), which could be a more practical option for long-term care facilities.

The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine provides 95% protection against Covid-19. According to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the United Kingdom, more than one in ten recipients may suffer from side effects such as injection site pain, headache, muscle aches, chills, joint pain and fever. There is. Some other, less common side effects are also listed.

The US Food and Drug Administration will approve the emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine soon this week, in accordance with the UK’s MHRA. The Vaccine Advisory Board will meet on Thursday.

According to the European Commission, the European Medicines Agency will conclude a vaccine decision on December 29th.

CNN’s Nick Peyton Walsh, Sharon Braithwaite and Carafox contributed to this report.


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