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Where the COVID-19 surge is hitting the hardest

Where the COVID-19 surge is hitting the hardest
Where the COVID-19 surge is hitting the hardest


COVID-19 Map of South LA area with the sharpest spikes

(The neighborhood is not drawn to scale.)

The latest COVID-19 surge has spread throughout Los Angeles County, with 10,528 daily records recorded on Sunday. However, two regions, South Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley, were hit particularly cruel.

Communities in these regions recorded a surge in infections more than six times. Westwood, And 30 times faster Santa monica Or Happy..

Crosstown has analyzed the rate of new COVID-19 infections in 270 communities in Los Angeles County for each of the last four weeks. Next, we compared the new cases in the last two weeks with those in the last two weeks. (For more information on the methodology, scroll to the “Methods” section.)

The results are surprisingly biased. Of the 20 most expansive communities during that period, nine are in South Los Angeles. Six are in the San Gabriel Valley.

Top 20 LA Communities with the Most Growth in the Last Two Weeks

20 regions most affected by COVID serge

(The Los Angeles County Public Health Service calls Mayflower Village an unincorporated Duarte.)

Hyde ParkRecorded 66 new cases from November 7th to 21st in South Los Angeles. The next two weeks, from November 22nd to December. 5, it had 244 new cases, up 261%.

Weekly COVID-19 cases increase in three regions south of Los Angeles

New infections are rampant in these South LA areas.

City Arcadia There were 69 cases in the two weeks from November 7th to 21st. However, in the last two weeks until December 5, the number has increased to 215.

Weekly COVID-19 cases increase in the San Gabriel Valley community

Compare it to the entire Los Angeles County. Throughout Los Angeles County, new cases increased by 91% during that period. On the other hand, the number of cases near Los Ferriz increased by 5.2% from 97 cases in the first two weeks to 102 cases in the last two weeks. Santa Monica’s new cases also increased by just 5%.

In some areas, new cases are not so proliferating.

New COVID infections in Santa Monica, Westwood and Los Feliz

[Keep track of infection rates in your neighborhood with our interactive map.]

Early in the pandemic, it became clear that the population was dense. Low-income areas increased caseloads with faster clips than wealthy areas.. But even now, health officials are often uncertain about why certain communities are booming. Dr. Barbara Ferrer, director of the Los Angeles County Public Health Service, said earlier last month. Pacoima, Sun Valley And Palmdale. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly what caused the spread In those areas.

Professor Neeraj Sood of the Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California said the situation on the ground is changing rapidly and is difficult to track.

“I haven’t seen any studies identifying the source of the infection,” said Sood, who works with the Los Angeles County Public Health Service on several studies. “It seems to be everywhere and can be obtained in various ways.”

Even within one neighborhood, “things can change quite dramatically and quickly,” he said.

Sood is conducting a field survey at the COVID-19 test facility in the San Fernando Valley. Just before Thanksgiving, his team recorded a positive rate of 5-6% at the facility. Last week it soared to 27%.

One factor, according to Sood, is that the areas struck during the first wave are more resistant as people already infected with the virus develop immunity to the virus. However, places that were only slightly affected during the first few months of the virus are now at greater risk.

“It was an area that was unaffected by the first wave and is now 100% vulnerable to the population,” he said. “Some of them are definitely happening.”

In fact, when COVID-19 first began to spread in March and early April, The highest prevalence was in the wealthy areas of Los Angeles. Residents of these areas were likely exposed to the virus from their trips. In addition, experts say that wealthy residents have had more access to test kits before they became widely available.

Los Angeles County 7-day average The number of new cases is 7,846.

Method: We examined publicly available data on daily COVID-19 infections. Los Angeles County Public Health Service.. We then aggregated the number of new infections in 270 communities in the county from November 7th to 21st and compared them to the new infections recorded between November 22nd and December. 5. Next, we narrowed the ranking to communities that recorded more than 50 new infections in the last week. This reduced the number of communities surveyed to 197.

Crosstown uses the neighborhood boundaries defined by Los Angeles Times.. In some cases, the Los Angeles County Public Health Service refers to areas with different boundaries. When possible, we adjusted the boundaries to comply with the Public Health Service. In some cases, the definition of departmental boundaries is unclear. We did not include community data if there was uncertainty about the boundaries.

Do you have any questions about our data?Please write to us [email protected]..

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