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This new nanomaterial COVID-19 test takes only 5 minutes

This new nanomaterial COVID-19 test takes only 5 minutes


Researchers have discovered a paper-based electrochemical sensor that detects the presence of COVID-19 within 10 minutes. After further investigation, US biotechnology graduate students have shown that testing can be a faster, cheaper, and easier diagnostic technique.Researcher uploaded report to ACS Nano..

“Currently, we are experiencing a once-in-a-century life-changing event,” said Maha Alafeef, a graduate student in biotechnology. “We are responding to this global need from a holistic approach by developing interdisciplinary tools for early detection, diagnosis and treatment of SARS-CoV-2,” he said. The author, Arafif, said.

Researchers use highly sensitive molecules attached to gold to examine RNA samples taken from a patient’s nasal swab or saliva sample. Nanoparticles Viral RNA is detected in an assay prepared by the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM). Molecules (which act as biosensors) attach to it. When viral antigens are present in the sample, the attached gold nanoparticles shift the color of the liquid reagent from purple to blue, indicating the presence of the COVID-19 protein.

“Based on our preliminary results, we believe that this promising new test may detect RNA substances in viruses as early as the first day of infection, but whether this is the case. Additional research is needed to confirm. ” Dipanjan Pan, Professor of Radiological Diagnosis and Nuclear Medicine and Pediatrics at UMSOM.

Dr. Pan also revealed that the COVID-19 test is all-based. Detection speed and accuracy Efficiently remove any virus. This suggests that if the virus is currently active, it will not provide false negative results, but if the virus is not present, it will provide false positive results. The virus is not identified by some screening tests already on the market for several days after infection. They have a high incidence of false negative results for this cause.

It goes without saying that the slow deployment of COVID-19 testing in the United States raises concerns about the spread of infectious diseases.

(Photo: Gerd Altmann on AIX)

Do you pass the FDA’s recommendations?

A business named VitruVianBio was founded Improve testing For commercial use. Dr. Pan will also hold a pre-submission consultation with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) later next month to address the conditions for ensuring emergency licenses for the study. However, current FDA regulations require COVID-19 experiments to be sold without enforcing normal certification procedures as long as they meet the validity requirements.

Dr. Matthew Frieman, an associate professor of microbiology and immunology at UMSOM, co-author of the study, said this RNA-based test appears to be very promising in virus identification. Creative solutions that do not require complex laboratory facilities produce performance.

The team provides a cheaper and easier alternative to COVID-19 laboratory studies that they have created that can be used by untrained workers, even though further clinical studies are needed. Said it might be. They conclude that if the test meets FDA criteria, it could theoretically be used as a screening tool to detect recurrence of infection in areas such as nursing homes and schools. It was.

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