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Billings nurse in hospital at COVID fights for her life | State and Region


Billings, Montana. (AP) — In late November, like many healthcare professionals around the world, Ellen Edolund was diagnosed with COVID-19 and transmitted from a healthcare provider to a patient.

On Tuesday, she celebrated her 15th day in a hospital bed at the Billings Clinic, where she worked as a registered nurse for over 15 years.

Edolund uses extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), which uses extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) to pump blood out of the body, add oxygen to remove carbon dioxide, and make the body sick. Rest your lungs while fighting.

Edolund’s best friend, Kelly Duffy, is also a registered nurse at the Billings Clinic. They met in their clinical rotation 20 years ago.

Duffy said Monday was the first day he met her friend in two weeks and “fought for her life.”

“That’s scary,” Duffy told the Billings Gazette.

Edolund is an avid skier who likes hiking and walking. Duffy said she wasn’t surprised that her friend got sick, given that she works in healthcare. But she wouldn’t have expected Edland to get so sick.

Edolund was hospitalized about a week after his diagnosis. Her doctor, Erin Raines, said Edolund was well informed about COVID-19 and had a “very healthy horror” to it. Her current job is in radiology, but she worked as an ICU nurse.

The day before she put on a ventilator, Edland asked her doctor if she would die.

“I looked at her and said,’Ellen, I’m going to do my strength and everything we have so that you don’t die,'” Rains said. “But it was hard because I couldn’t honestly say she wouldn’t die because I don’t know.”

According to Reins, there is a “up to 80%” chance of dying among US patients who require a ventilator in the ICU for COVID-19 treatment. According to the Washington Post, some studies have shown high survival, including a study published in May showing that 36% of COVID-19 patients with mechanical ventilation died.

Edlund’s online fundraising campaign has raised more than $ 19,000 to date to cover household invoices and medical expenses not covered by insurance.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, nurses and other frontline workers have suffered significant losses. The National Nurses United Nurses Union said in September that more than 1,700 healthcare workers died of COVID-19, 30% of whom were hospital workers and 70% of other environmental professionals such as senior care. I reported that it occurred. House.

Duffy, a friend of Edlund, contacts Edlund’s bank to prepay mortgages and utilities. In the process, she opened her friend’s checkbook and saw more charitable donations than she realized she was making. She knew her friend was generous, but she didn’t know how much.

Then it’s nice to see the money flow in on behalf of Edland, Duffy said.

“I’ve never met anyone in my life who has more friends,” she said. “Love is off the chart.”


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