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Deaths from heart disease and stroke are rising like never before, according to WHO data


The WHO Global Health Estimates report also found that 2019 lived longer than 2000, but these extra years were not always healthy. The average life expectancy in the world in 2019 was more than 73 years, but in 2000 it was close to 67 years.

“It underscores the need for a global focus on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory illness, and the approach to injury,” the WHO said in a statement.

Heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the world for the past 20 years.

“But now it’s killing more people than ever before,” WHO added, killing 9 million people in 2019. The number has increased by 2 million since 2000.

More than half of these 2 million additional heart disease deaths occurred in the WHO Western Pacific region. Meanwhile, in Europe, deaths have fallen by 15%.

More people have died of Alzheimer’s disease, which is now the sixth leading cause of death in the world, with 1.6 million deaths in 2019, compared to 584,000 in 2000, which was 20th on the list. I am.

“These new estimates remind us of the need for rapid enhancement of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of non-communicable diseases,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanomgebreyes, Director General of WHO. I am.

“They emphasize the urgency of improving primary health care fairly and globally. Strong primary health care ranges from fighting non-communicable diseases to managing pandemics. , It’s clear that everything is the foundation. “

The report shows that people living in low-income countries are more likely to die of infectious diseases than non-communicable diseases, and neonatal status is the leading cause of death. However, infectious diseases and diarrheal disorders are killing fewer people than they were 20 years ago, the report shows.

Dr. Samira Asma, Deputy Director of Data at WHO, said it is important to recognize progress in the fight against infectious diseases.

“For example, HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis are no longer among the top 10 causes of death in the world. HIV / AIDS has fallen from 8th to 19th and tuberculosis has fallen from 7th to 13th. It reflects the sustainable investment made to ease the burden of these illnesses, but it is very important to emphasize the need to be vigilant to avoid a setback, “she says. I did.

But especially in Africa, the number of fatalities from road accidents is increasing, Dr. Asma warned.

“Since 2000, the number of road accident injuries has increased significantly in Africa, with both fatalities and healthy life expectancy increasing by 50%. The situation is similar in the Eastern Mediterranean,” she says. I did.

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