Healthcare worker COVID-19 infections primarily caused by community exposure
In a well-resourced healthcare system with appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), the risk of health care workers with SARS-CoV-2 infection is greater to community exposure than to early pandemic patients. Strongly caused by, a new Northwestern medical study reports.
6,510 studies Health care workers Is the largest cohort study systematically collected on the risk of SARSCoV-2 healthcare professionals in the United States.
According to research reports, nurses were the only occupational group at high risk, given community exposure.
Participation in high-flow oxygen therapy and hemodialysis was associated with increased likelihood of having antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, while other high-risk procedures were associated with higher risk. did not.
“This suggests that PPE is highly effective in acute exposure to SARS-CoV-2, but longer exposures may still expose healthcare professionals to an increased risk of infection. “The co-author, Associate Professor of Medicine John Wilkins, said. Physician at Northwestern University School of Fineberg Medicine and Northwestern Medicine. “Fortunately, proper PPE and vigilant infection control policies can keep most providers safe while they work.”
The paper was published in the journal on December 8th. Open forum infectious diseases.
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Total number Of the 19 COVID-19 cases reported in the United States, he was a healthcare professional. As of November 2020, the death toll of US healthcare workers was 797. Identifying factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in the healthcare setting and protecting the critical workforce providing healthcare is a top priority.
A total of 6,510 health care workers were included in the study, including 1,794 nurses, 1,260 doctors, 904 non-patient managers, and 2,552 other staff. The academic health care system included 10 hospitals, 18 emergency medical centers, and 325 outpatient clinics in and around the Chicago area of Illinois.
Co-author Dr. Charlesnica Evans, a professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University, said the hospital is strengthening its infection control approach for nurses and other healthcare professionals exposed to hemodialysis and high-flow oxygen therapy. He said he might need to.
“Continuous infection prevention alerts are needed both inside and outside the country. health Care settings “.
Wilkins and Evans will continue to track this cohort to understand the incidence of infection and its predictors.
John T Wilkins etc. Correlate with serum prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibody in Chicago healthcare professionals. Open forum infectious diseases.
Provided by
Northwestern University
Quote: Healthcare worker COVID-19 infections primarily caused by community exposure (December 9, 2020) are https: // Obtained from -driven.html on December 9, 2020.
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