Covid-19 ICU Admission: Men “Face Almost Three Times Likely,” the study says
Currently, a global analysis of more than 3 million Covid-19 cases from January to June found that male patients with the disease were “almost three times more likely.” It requires more admission to the intensive care unit than female patients.
In addition, men were almost 1.4 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than women, but both men and women have the same risk of infection.
The researchers analyzed data from 90 reports, including 46 countries and 44 US states. This data showed that in the case studies, about 1.57 million were women and about 1.53 million were men.
However, with data on more than 12,000 hospital admissions to the intensive care unit, researchers found that about 8,000 of them were male and 4,000 were female.
Of the more than 200,000 Covid-19 deaths included in the survey, approximately 120,000 were male and 91,000 were female.
Many parts of the immune system that work together to protect the body from the virus do not work exactly the same in men and women, and studies have shown that any particular biological factor causes these differences. He said more research is needed to determine if.
“Men and women have differences in almost every arm of the immune system, ranging from the initial immune response to a viral infection to the T cell response, B cell response, and immune memory,” said a pediatric consultant. Dr. Kate Webb said. Rheumatologist at the University of Cape Town and the Francis Crick Institute in London.
“There are many potential reasons for these immunity differences. Hormones have immunological effects, and women have two X chromosomes compared to one in men. The X chromosome has immunity. There are many genes to code. “
Sex is an “underrated variable”
Many illnesses attack men and women in different ways. The reason for this can depend on a complex combination of biology and behavior that is difficult to unravel.
Other explanations for inequality include that men are likely to have certain pre-existing health conditions or comorbidities that put them at risk. However, researchers said there was not enough data on these factors.
However, the team said there was no significant gender difference in the proportion of adults with hypertension (hypertension) or diabetes, the most commonly reported comorbidity in hospitalized Covid-19 patients. Men are also more likely to smoke, but studies have stated that smoking has not emerged as a clear risk factor.
During a previous coronavirus epidemic, studies said men were reported to have poor clinical outcomes during the outbreak of SARS in Hong Kong and Singapore. They were also at high risk of dying from MERS in Saudi Arabia.
From an evolutionary point of view, some studies suggest that women have a stronger immune response to viral infections than men because they are biologically designed. Spending a part of life with a foreign body (baby) gives them the benefit of survival.
The authors of the study stated that gender remains “a variable that is underestimated when investigating the outcome of infections.”
“Gender has traditionally been underestimated in scientific research, from basic laboratory to bedside clinical research,” Webb said in an email.
“Including women in basic laboratory studies is usually excluded because there are variations that do not exist when using only male cells or animal models. Even in early laboratory studies, gender differences are different. It is often overlooked. ”
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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