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Arizona has reported more than 100 COVID-19 deaths.The death toll is currently over 7,000

Arizona has reported more than 100 COVID-19 deaths.The death toll is currently over 7,000
Arizona has reported more than 100 COVID-19 deaths.The death toll is currently over 7,000


ArizonaThe number of deaths from the coronavirus pandemic exceeded 7,000 on December 9, as the state reported more than 100 additional deaths from the virus.

Status 4,444 additional COVID-19 cases and 108 additional deaths were reported, Increasing the state’s known total to 382,601 cases and 7,081 deaths.

Number of COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Because many people have not been tested, the infection is considered to be much higher than reported, and studies show that people can get the virus without feeling sick.

Health Service Bureau Said on twitter The “most” of the 108 deaths reported on Wednesday were due to reviewing past death certificates and determining that the deaths were due to COVID-19. Its regular process is more than the usual daily death report.

The agency did not elaborate on how many of the 108 deaths were involved in the certificate review, nor did it immediately respond to requests for details regarding the deaths.

According to the state’s coronavirus dashboard, COVID-19-related hospitalizations reached 3,287 as of Tuesday, an increase of 130 from Monday, and includes 766 patients in intensive care unit beds.

The dashboard shows that 10% of all beds and ICU beds in hospitals throughout the state are vacant, with COVID-19 patients accounting for 44% of ICU beds and non-COVID patients accounting for 46%. Shown.

Hospital officials and public health experts warn that the current surge could exceed the capabilities of the healthcare system.

Governor Doug Ducey It imposed restrictions on the closure of some facilities and required precautionary measures such as distances to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. However, despite many local governments imposing masking requirements and some municipalities have ordered curfew, he has a state-wide masking obligation, a new curfew, or a curfew. I have not ordered a decree.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University and the COVID Follow-up Project, the 7-day average of daily new cases, daily mortality, and COVID-19 test positive rates have all increased over the past two weeks.

The daily moving average of cases rose from 3,853 on November 24 to 5,860 on Tuesday, with a record 12,314 new known cases after the state reported more than 5,000 cases in five of the last seven days. Reported.

The moving average of daily deaths rose from 29 November 24th to 40.9 on Tuesday, and the positive moving average rose from 19.9% ​​to 30.1%.

Hospital officials report on the number of capacities

As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout Arizona, hospitals throughout the state are reaching their limits as COVID patients continue to fill their beds.

Throughout the state, intensive care units have nearly 100% capacity, and hospitals struggle to find enough staff, primarily nurses and respiratory therapists.

In Pima County, authorities Hospitals in the county have reached capacity, And they are asking people to stay home if possible, especially if they are ill.

In Phoenix, Valleywise Hospital is on the verge of capacity.

“There is one ICU bed available in this morning’s ICU, which means it’s 98% capacity this morning,” said Dr. Michael White, Chief Clinical Officer at Valleywise Health. “If we have more staff, we can increase the capacity of the ICU.”

According to Dr. White, Valleywise currently has 10 unmanned ICU beds.

Meanwhile, the Banner Health ICU is also reaching capacity.

“We expect 100% capacity on December 15th and 125% capacity on December 18th,” said Dr. Marjorie Bessel, Chief Clinical Officer at Banner Health.

Banner recently employs more than 2,000 temporary workers, including emergency nurses and respiratory therapists, and needs to employ at least 400. COVID patients require a team of providers and their average length of stay is 2 weeks.

“They need more care, they stay in the hospital longer and our employees have to wear PPE. They are patients who are very difficult to care for,” Dr. Vessel said. Told.

All healthcare professionals and researchers are calling on Governor Ducey and state leaders to do more to prevent hospitals from overloading and falling into crisis mode.

“We will stop eating indoors, stop meetings of more than 25 people, stop athletic activities in groups, including club sports, and set a curfew,” said Dr. Vessel.

Dr. Joshua Laber, Executive Director of the Arizona State University Institute for Biodesign, said:

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To protect yourself from the possibility of infection CDC Recommendations:

  • Avoid close contact with sick people.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Stay home when you are ill.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with tissue and throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Use regular household cleaning sprays or wipes to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when you are around others
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom. Before meals; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Monitor your health daily

map: Globally interactive coronavirus case data

map: Cases of Arizona coronavirus by zip code

Full coverage:

CDC: Coronavirus spread, symptoms, prevention, treatment, frequently asked questions

Arizona COVID-19 Resources, FAQ:

on CoronavirusNOW.comYou can find extensive coverage of COVID-19, including the latest news from around the country, exclusive interviews with health authorities, and informative content from various public health resources.

To protect yourself from the possibility of infection CDC Recommendations:


Symptoms of coronavirus COVID-19 include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Of course, these are similar to common colds and flu.

A common cold begins with a sore throat, scratches, cough, runny nose, and stuffy nose. Symptoms of the flu are more severe, usually sudden onset, and may be accompanied by a high fever.

Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear more slowly. According to the World Health Organization, it usually includes fever, a dry cough, and noticeable shortness of breath. A small number of cases develop pneumonia, which is of particular concern to the elderly and those with other medical problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Relation: Is it the flu, the cold, or the COVID-19?Different viruses show similar symptoms

Currently, there is one major difference between influenza and coronavirus. There are vaccines that help prevent the flu and it’s never too late to get the flu. You can’t prevent it from catching the coronavirus, but you can be in a better position to fight the coronavirus.

To protect yourself, wash your hands thoroughly, keep away from your face, and do not stand near crowds or people.

And if you notice any of these flu or coronavirus symptoms, do not go directly to your doctor’s office. Authorities urge that it just runs the risk of getting more people sick. Call in advance and ask where you need to be seen.

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