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Dr. Fouch reveals important changes that could stop the virus


Top US infectious disease experts shed light on why COVID-19 infections are ever-increasingly “irritating” and one reason that can help improve the situation.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said one of the main reasons was to send different rules and messages across the country. Corona virus It is spreading rapidly.

“Frustrated” to see so many US citizens refusing to follow basic steps to protect themselves and those around them in a speech at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council Summit on Tuesday. “.

Wearing a mask, physical distance, and avoiding large crowds and indoor congregations are all simple means that can have a significant impact on whether the number of COVIDs spikes or stays under control.

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“Given the magnitude of the problems we face, they seem simple, but when comparing the equivalent situations in which a state, city, town, or even a country has implemented these public health mitigation measures. You can see that either was possible. Prevent the surge or improve the dynamics of the surge, “says Dr. Forch.

“Still, it’s very frustrating because we don’t do it all at once and we strongly feel that it can have a big impact.”

He states that even in some of the countries where people die daily from the coronavirus, there is still something to deny its effects, which he has never witnessed on such a large scale. Added.

“The problem is that you go to different parts of the country, and for those who think this is not the case, even when the outbreak is clear and the hospital is on the verge of runaway. There’s a fair percentage. Fake news, or that’s a hoax, “Dr. Forch said.

“It’s extraordinary. I’ve never seen anything like this. We must overcome it and unite as a nation while adhering to these public health measures. “

The United States recently recorded the worst week of the pandemic. There were no signs of a slowdown in the infection during the Christmas period.

Last week’s seven-day average was 2249 deaths, breaking the previous record weekly average of 2232 set on April 17 during the country’s first wave.

In the United States, there are the most COVID-19 cases and deaths in the world, with more than 15 million confirmed infections and more than 286,000 deaths.

Another surge in incidents is expected to hit the United States after thousands of people travel to meet their loved ones at Thanksgiving.

Dr. Forch said the full effect of travel and rallies would not be seen until next week.

Hospitals across the country are flooded with coronavirus patients, and staff are struggling to keep up with demand.

Viral photographs of the Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno, Nevada show that medical professionals are working hard to treat as many patients as possible.

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The hospital I was forced to convert the second floor of the parking lot into a temporary treatment area. To catch up with the influx of virus patients.

A photo of the improvisation facility was first shared on Twitter in November when intensive care unit doctor Jacob Keeperman revealed that “five people have died in the last 32 hours.”

The post was spread by word of mouth, but as expected, some people retweeted one of those claims by President Donald Trump himself and accused the photo of being fake.

Dr. Keeperman said later CNN he He was “sick” of the false accusations shared by Mr. Trump and urged senior government officials and all Americans to take the “humanitarian crisis” seriously.

“Things are tough. People are sick. People of all ages and all age groups are suffering from COVID-19,” he said.

“We are approaching the limit.”

Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb recently predicted that US deaths could reach 400,000 by January, as cases and deaths from COVID-19 are increasing at an alarming rate. did.

“For the next six weeks, we have a tough future ahead of us,” he said of CBS. Face the Nation..

“People really need to protect themselves.”


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