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Feet of COVID vaccine study participants used to disseminate false information

Feet of COVID vaccine study participants used to disseminate false information


Texas women who participated in Coronavirus vaccine The trial was reportedly targeted by anti-vaxxers who used graphic images of the skin condition of her feet to disseminate fear and false information.

Patricia in her thirties participated in the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine trial, but was not actually vaccinated. Instead, she received a saltwater placebo, Reported by the BBC..

Therefore, her horrific skin condition was unrelated to the jab, the report said.

The dermatology nightmare began in late October when Patricia began to feel pain in her left leg while taking a walk with her husband, who suspected she was rubbing her shoes.

However, she later noticed that her soles were painfully swollen and huge blisters spewed out. After that, her other leg became the same, making it difficult to walk, the outlet reported.

Patricia visited a number of doctors who mentioned several possible causes, including adverse reactions to the drug, focusing on a vaccine trial that received a second jab five days before the appearance of blisters.

The GoFundMe page, set up to raise money for her medical bills, linked blisters directly to the trial.

“My cousin Patricia, who lives in Texas, was a recent volunteer in COVID-19 vaccine research and had serious side effects. Initially, several doctors believed the injection was the cause, but now The cause is unknown, “says the page.

Patricia Chandler suffers from an unexplained skin condition on her legs.
Patricia Chandler suffers from an unexplained skin condition on her legs.

“She couldn’t walk or go to work for nearly four weeks because of the bleeding in her legs.”

Patricia agrees with this wording and how various fringe elements virus her condition, including vaccines, pandemics, and apocalyptic Christian sites promoting conspiracy theories about US elections. The BBC reported that it did not understand.

The site contained a passage from the Bible explaining that Patricia’s feet had scab holes that resembled “terrible pain.” [the book of] revelation. “

Her online plea continued to spread like a wildfire, even translated into Polish, Portuguese, and Romanian.

Patricia Chandler
Patricia Chandler

Patricia’s story was so disturbing that Pfizer and her doctor began investigating her participation in the trial. She was informed that she had received a saline placebo, but that would not cause her condition, the BBC reported.

“I have to take some responsibility to get my story out there,” Patricia said. “It’s social media. If you share it for a second, it can be picked up and spread by word of mouth.”

She added: “My injury had nothing to do with the vaccine. My bad. People make mistakes.”

However, a torrent of false information continued to spread around the world — and she received messages from pseudoscience influencers and abusive trolls, the BBC reported.

Patricia said people called her “a fool, a drug addict, a convicted felony, a scammer, a suspicious person, and even worse.”

The Vaccine Controversy Lobby got worse and I decided to disable my social media profile.

“The fact that these anti-vaxxers are using this to fuel their agenda is frustrating,” she told the BBC.

GoFundMe, which temporarily removed her funding page, offered a refund to those who donated money under the false impression of her condition caused by the vaccine test.

This page has raised $ 5,484.

“Patricia still suffers from a painful skin condition on her feet, but the cause is unknown,” the update said.

“The vaccine manufacturer did not blind her because of this safety concern, and it was discovered that she was in the placebo group of the trial,” he continued.

“Her dermatologists, emergency room doctors, and vascular surgeons told her that this was due to injections, but this is clearly not the case. She underwent further examination and made a correct diagnosis. I will meet a new expert to get the cause. “


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