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Conspiracy theorists’ notable vaccine patients are “actresses”

Conspiracy theorists’ notable vaccine patients are “actresses”


Former 111 workers suggest that Margaret Keenan, the first Covid-19 vaccinated patient in the UK, is an actress (Photo: Louise Hampton / Facebook / PA)

Former NHS workers, who represented conspiracy theorists, suggest that Britain’s first vaccine patient is an actress.

Louise Hampton, whose Facebook page is collecting “wrong information” warnings, Margaret Keenan He was actually a real NHS patient.

Ms. Hampton, who quit her job at Care UK, a 111-service provider, and opposed the Covid-19 response, attended a national blockade prevention rally.

She said:’I wanted to talk a bit about Margaret, she was 90 and reportedly she looked very happy.

“Is she an actress? Did she volunteer for herself or did anyone approach her? I want to meet her family and her caretakers in the news.”

In a Facebook Live post, anti-vaxxer said V-Day is a “massive marketing campaign.”

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She also captioned her report on the launch of the vaccination program with the following message: “Maggie’s jab is just a marketing strategy!”

Another post by Ms. Hampton has been flagged as “false information-checked by an independent fact checker.”

However, her claim about the 90-year-old patient remains on the site, with over 1,500 comments and 555 shares.

This is the latest conspiracy theory that emerged during the pandemic and is widely shared, despite all the reasons and evidence available.

Uncovered myth Include the idea that a vaccine alters your DNA, that it was developed too early to be safe, and that Bill Gates uses it to control the world.

Those who were first given a vaccine, including Margaret, by Coventry played a role in what is considered a major turning point in the counterattack against the coronavirus.

Grandma became the first civilian to receive a Pfizer / BioNTech jab after being approved in the United Kingdom.

After receiving the vaccine at University Hospital Coventry, she said: ‘My advice to those who donated the vaccine is to take it. If I can get it at 90, you can get it too. “

Hampton, 37 years old Resigned from Care UK earlier this year After her video, which describes the award for her work during the pandemic as a “certificate of b ****** s,” became a hot topic, claiming she received few calls.

Margaret Keenan received applause from staff after receiving the Pfizer / BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for the first time in the UK at University Hospital Coventry (Photo: PA).

She has been spreading disputed claims through social media ever since, touring the Covid-19 test site without wearing PPE to show that they are empty.

Refusenik also describes the coronavirus as follows: “Rebranded flu”.

Her claim to 111 services is in direct conflict with the former employer, who pointed out a 400% peak in calls.

Ms. Hampton says her friends and family stopped talking to her because of her view, but vowed to continue the campaign despite criticism. is seeking comments from Ms. Hampton and Facebook.

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